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It’s a 4 letter word for a reason, you know!

Debt Tatoo

Debt Limiting Idea

Big Cajun Man expresses concern over the high debt levels in Canada, which are fueled by cheap interest rates. He proposes a radical, but unlikely to be implemented, idea to slow the ‘tsunami of debt.’ The idea involves using erasable tattoos that say ‘Debtor’ on the back of a person’s hands in exchange for a 25% discount on loan interest rates. This tattoo would be a condition for receiving the loan and would be removed once the debt is repaid. The author acknowledges its potential to drive people towards alternate lenders.


Questions with the answer, “Get out of Debt”

The article promotes “Getting out of Debt” as a solution to several problems. It helps spouses focus on more important things by eliminating financial disputes. It provides peace of mind and sleep, reduces worries by addressing one financial issue at a time. Fortifies love life, as money worries create impotency. Lastly, it enables the goal of establishing own living space, especially for those presently residing with their in-laws. The author invites readers to suggest any further possible benefits.

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