Tax Day in Canada 2021
April 30, 2021 is tax day, have you filed your taxes yet? If not, why not? If you are owed money, why don’t you want your money back?
April 30, 2021 is tax day, have you filed your taxes yet? If not, why not? If you are owed money, why don’t you want your money back?
How do you do your taxes ? Most years are pretty much the same for me, thus I use this post as a template to work from each year.
My CRA account is now locked out due to an undisclosed issue at the CRA (error ERR.021 ). Evidently it has nothing to do with a cybersecurity breech, we hope.
More clarifications on my part about the RDSP and DTC and how they work together. The program is slowly being clarified, and refined by the Government, but the latest changes do seem to make life simpler for the beneficiaries.
Now more than ever, you should get on-line access to your CRA account. With this you can know where you stand with them easily.