Confessions of an Ad Man
Can advertising add value to a product? I think it can, if our perception of the value of the product is changed by the advertising, then it has added value, and this is the assertion… Read More »Confessions of an Ad Man
Can advertising add value to a product? I think it can, if our perception of the value of the product is changed by the advertising, then it has added value, and this is the assertion… Read More »Confessions of an Ad Man
Price speculation has gone on forever, and now Hockey Ticket prices are being speculated upon? Not that surprising?
The Best of Money Carnival #39 celebrates all the great financial articles that have been written in the past little while.
Some ideas for financial valentines day and how you can celebrate with your sweety or your family, showing #Love financially speaking.
A financial GPS will help you get to where you want financially, and hopefully tell you when you are making a bad turn financially.