Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Engineers
Did you realize Saint Patrick is the Patron saint of Engineering and thus technology? Let us thank Saint Patty for technology and Ireland too
Did you realize Saint Patrick is the Patron saint of Engineering and thus technology? Let us thank Saint Patty for technology and Ireland too
A Time to Give… NOT! So for my regular readers you already know my view of Valentine’s Day as a ridiculously over-hyped excuse to blow countless hundreds of dollars (however it does keep the Rose… Read More »Valentine’s Day and Finances
The CRTC is supposed to be helping consumers, but it is obvious they are in the pocket of the Big Internet/Phone companies.
Blue Monday was created by the media after a study showed that the 3rd Monday in the new year is the saddest day of the year, but not in Montreal.
An important part of Festivus is the airing of grievances, and this year I have a lot to get off my chest in terms of financial articles.