Ontario Budget 2015 M’eh…
The Ontario Budget 2015 was quite meagre and simple, however, it didn’t really appease any of the pundits either.
What is a budget? It is a plan on what you can spend monthly, and you try to stick to it. Budgets are a living thing, and need to be monitored. Many folks struggle with the idea of controlling their spending with a budget, but this kind of discipline pays off in the long run.
A simple explanation is: “a statement of the financial position of an administration (as of a nation) for a definite period of time based on estimates of expenditures during the period and proposals for financing them”
The Ontario Budget 2015 was quite meagre and simple, however, it didn’t really appease any of the pundits either.
Budget 2015 Federal had some things for everyone, however not a great deal for anyone in specific? Typical budget. Except the TFSA limit was moved to $10,000 !
Lifestyle creep is rampant these days, where your lifestyle spending outstrips any income increases you might be receiving. Stop keeping up with the Joneses
What was the 2009 Federal Budget in Canada like? It was a budget trying to get Canada back on track after 2008, mostly.
Learn about Canada’s 2009 Federal Budget and the financial challenges the country faced. Discover the predictions made by financial press.