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Year of the Fire Rooster, Financial Groundhog Day and #MoneyTalk

Yesterday, a rodent may or may not have seen his or her shadow and winter may or may not be ending sooner or later. What would financial ground-hog day be like ? This happens pretty much every month, when the Bank of Canada sets key interest rates, maybe they decide on the basis of the Governor seeing his own shadow? No, but that is a worthwhile indicator I suppose.

Financial groundhog day
Year of the Fire Rooster a 13 month long year.

It is the year of the Fire Rooster, to our friends who observe the Chinese Lunar Calendar. If you are a Rooster, this may not be a good year for you, but I still enjoy the Festive Celebrations for this new year. We shall see how fortunate a year it ends up being, but it will be a long year, with 13 months .

In Ottawa we begin Winterlude , the festival celebrating the winter here. The weather rarely co-operates, it is either too warm and the canal melts or so cold no one wishes to be outside. The forecasts suggest  this might be a good year to enjoy the festival.

My Writings for Week Ending February 3rd

I have been meaning to publish this week’s article for a while, but wasn’t sure whether I got it right. I have been approached by a few “Promoters” of companies that charge a fee (or percentage) to help folks get their Disability Tax Credit, and I have ignored their offers, as I feel they are taking advantage with their fees. When I came upon Bill C-462 I thought that finally the government was agreeing with my opinion, however, as I wrote in Bill C-462 : Protecting Disabled Canadians or a Paper Tiger ? it seems this act is dead on arrival.

If anyone has any more insight on this, please contact me as I am very interested to find out whether this Act will ever be put into practice.

Editor’s Note: I have now included the last update date on all my articles, so you can see that those that I may “reprint” in social media, has usually been updated (or edit’ed to make it more readable).

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Alternate Financial Facts, 1984 and #Moneytalk

This week we were introduced to a new term that I am pretty sure is going to stick around for a while. Arguing a point a Trump advisor used the expression that they had Alternate Facts and from that statement it all exploded. Alternate Facts now seems to imply falsehoods, so let us bring up some Alternate Financial Facts into the argument:

  1. Would alternate savings really just be debt ?
  2. Alternate credit rehabilitation simply be bankruptcy or getting farther into debt?
  3. With alternate financial facts negative equity would be a very good thing

What would the Ministry of Truth think of that? Speaking of 1984 by George Orwell, surprisingly it is now a best seller. The book is a must read, as is Animal Farm , just to understand how totalitarian worlds evolve from democracy (or how a good idea can be perverted easily). I prefer Animal Farm to 1984, but both are books you must read.

My Writings for Week Ending January 27th

I guess my alternate fact analytics are showing that millions of readers came over to check out my only writing of the week, Energy Up 4.0 % for 2016 , where we learned that in Ontario electricity costs were up over 11% (year over year), and we all keep asking why?. The Ministry of Truth does need to look into that one.

A Money Thought

What does the Dow at 20,000 mean? I have no bloody idea, and luckily neither do other folks.

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Mortgage Schedule

Bungled Mortgages, Friday the 13th and #Moneytalk

It seems some money lenders are not happy with the new Mortgage rules, so they are attempting to bamboozle the system by marketing something called a Bundled Loan (or as I call it bungled mortgages ). The CBC’s explanation of this new poly-morphed debt vehicle is:

bungled mortgages
Mortgage Definition
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Canada’s subprime mortgage providers are increasingly teaming up with unregulated rivals to sidestep rules designed to clamp down on risky lending. … The result of these partnerships are so-called bundled loans, which pair a primary mortgage with a second loan from unregulated groups called Mortgage Investment Corporations (MICs).

This loan offer appears to be nothing more than the old trickery of offering 1st, 2nd, and perhaps even 3rd mortgages, except that the 2nd and 3rd mortgages are being provided by different lenders. Despite the fact that this practice is not illegal, the primary lender is obligated to consider all of the borrower’s outstanding debts when offering the main mortgage. It is unclear whether they are taking into account the other parts of the loan bundle. Nevertheless, this situation is a clear example of mishandling mortgages and should be addressed as such.

It is Friday the 13th today. Is it a bad day to invest? I don’t know call me in a year and I will tell you. Should you sell on Friday the 13th? Depends on what you are selling, and whether what you sell goes up in value after you sell it. I never get tired of giving these kind of testicle busting comments. Did you realize that Friday the 13th, always occurs after a Thursday the 12th ?

My Writings for Week Ending January 13th

Last week the year end employment numbers were published by our friends at Stats Canada, and it showed that 2016 Was the Year of the Part-time job, since that is where most of the job growth in Canada took place. It is good there are more jobs, but it is disturbing to see that many folks careers now consist of a few part-time jobs, quilted together to create enough income to live on. Let us hope they are not also looking for bungled mortgages.

A Money Thought

Well, it costs you money, because in Ottawa it is Pothole season!

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Merry New Year 2017, CPP, EI and #MoneyTalk

The year 2017 has begun and hopefully it is a Merry New Year for all of us, given how poorly 2016 seemed to go for some of us. Happy New Year 2017.

They’re back!!!

If you might have forgotten, CPP and EI restart for those of us who are not CEO’s or get paid over $400K. Those folks still have to pay those, but they only pay it on their first pay cheque.

Curious about how much you will be paying this year? Here’s your sign:

  • CPP for regular employees (maximum): $2,564.10
  • CPP for self-employed (max): $5,128.20
  • EI maximum for non-Quebec folks: $836.19
  • EI max for Quebecers : $651.51

Remember that if you tell your co-workers, “Hey I no longer pay CPP”, they can figure out your yearly income.

My Writings for the Week Ending January 6th

I started this merry new year throwing out a little click-bait, stating that I Hate Sean Cooper, which of course is not the case, in fact I admire his ability to pay off his house debt so quickly. It all started listening to a piece on CBC Radio about Sean, and how the Internet trolls were skewering him. I read through the CBC web piece on him, and sure enough there were just asinine comments that made me laugh, and the article wrote itself. Sean has a book coming out soon, that I hope to have a review done for soon.

Car Loans Lasting How Long?

When car loans start lasting 12 years, I have to start wondering when Car Loan Insurance (similar to mortgage insurance) is going to start being offered by banks? I keep cars 12 years, but I don’t want to pay for them for that long (and spreading a Corolla’s loan for that long, would take a lot of work).

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Deep Thoughts

Go Away 2016, Deep Thoughts, End of Year and #MoneyTalk

2016 has been a real pain in the arse, especially in terms of news and music. It is safe to say that most people are looking forward to seeing the back of it. However, I have a thought-provoking question for you. Do you think the famous individuals who passed away in 2016 anticipated what 2017 has in store and decided to leave early? This is a deep thought from BCM for 2016, and I firmly believe that this year cannot end soon enough.

Have you done any of the things you should be doing for the end of year?

  • Top up your Charitable donations ? Those are counted on the calendar year, you have today to try to get it done (or go to Church on Sunday and they might count it as this year too).
  • TFSA juggling, if you were planning on taking money out of your TFSA, you should have done it by now, that way you can easily have the deposit space for next year, and you can start paying it back.
  • It is never too early to put money into your RRSP (if you have room, and don’t have a lot of debts).
  • Make sure you have paid all of your bills for 2016 as well (quarterly CRA, property tax, etc.,).
  • Evidently January 2nd is known as Divorce Day, so maybe you should start that early ?

You could always create a financial plan for 2016 as well (never a bad idea either).

My Writings for Week Ending December 30th

I did manage to get a thematic post out this week, discussing the important celebration of Festivus, with Festivus Financial Airing of Grievances, and I have a lot to complain about this year, that is for sure! Next the feats of strength, get ready to rumble, baby!

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