Effective Interest Rate of Service Charges
If you are paying a lot in monthly service charges for your bank account what is your actual effective interest rate? #Negative #LessThanZero
If you are paying a lot in monthly service charges for your bank account what is your actual effective interest rate? #Negative #LessThanZero
Transfer more easily & securely from one bank to another. Learn how to reduce fraud risks & stay within daily/monthly limits w/ Interac Transfer. Ask the bank to receive funds & get informed of large amounts to avoid 5-10 day holds. Quick tips on transferring funds from Canadian banks like Royal Bank to TD to avoid fraud bank drafts. #Ttransfer
How important is it to keep a list of all the bills you pay on line? I just found out that sometimes that list can get erased?!?!
How hard is it to open a kids bank account in the days of COVID? Much slower, if you use a traditional bank, and more trees died. The reliance on paper for banks still astounds me.
While trying to log into my Banking Web site (from a PC), after I had successfully remembered my log-in ID and password, something different happened. The site put up a Pop-up window saying it was… Read More »Banking Security