Effective Interest Rate of Service Charges
If you are paying a lot in monthly service charges for your bank account what is your actual effective interest rate? #Negative #LessThanZero
If you are paying a lot in monthly service charges for your bank account what is your actual effective interest rate? #Negative #LessThanZero
Consumers rarely do anything unless they feel they get something out of it. I keep wondering what savings motivating system banks could put in place?
Canadians are notorious for loving rewards systems, where they can accumulate points for later purchases, maybe something like that? A points system that would pay more monthly, the more money you had in your savings account?
I think I am on to something here, if banks paid people these points that they could use to purchase things, that might motivate people to save more money.
What if this point system allowed you to swap points for money? Better still what if you didn’t accumulate points for having more savings, you accumulated money? Money that would be added to your account balance, and then the next month you might accumulate more money because of this added money?
This is possibly the greatest idea ever to motivate consumers to save money, isn’t it?
Read More »How to Motivate SavingsIt is quite simple to create a Mortgage Schedule using Excel or Google Sheet or whatever spreadsheet you like, and here is how.
Don’t pan for gold in your cat’s litter box is a great expression for where to look for your next big investment, and you aren’t finding it there!
Energy prices continued to make Inflation push forward in Canada, September 2012. Prices just kept going up.