Paid For Car is Free and Clear, Right?
Is owning a paid for car really running for free? Discover the true costs of owning a car and how your car payment is just the beginning.
Is owning a paid for car really running for free? Discover the true costs of owning a car and how your car payment is just the beginning.
Tire storage (and storage in general) is truly a growth industry all for folks looking for somewhere to store their stuff.
Do you store your tires at home or do you store them at the shop where you get your tires changed? Storage of tires is an interesting issue.
Expensive gas is a relative statement these days, but the price of gas continues to fluctuate to the chagrin of all Canadians.
How do I write that in a more sarcastic way? Given the news in Ottawa has a section where they publish “the price of gas tomorrow”, how is this possible without price-fixing? The Competition Bureau… Read More »Gas Price Fixing in Ontario? Really?!?!?