Advice and Top 10 Advice Lists
I hate top 10 advice lists, because most advice given out is so obvious I wonder how anyone couldn’t have thought of it themselves.
Articles written about financial advice in specific, but advice as a general topic as well. Advice can be helpful or very dangerous in nature. Advice should rarely be taken solely on face value. Investigate advice further, before using it.
I hate top 10 advice lists, because most advice given out is so obvious I wonder how anyone couldn’t have thought of it themselves.
Discover effective ways to fix your financial situation and avoid the cycle of spending your way into more problems. Gain insights and tips for success.
Sometimes you need manly money comments are really what you need to hear, to point out the error of your ways. Something like, “Why did you buy it?”, is a valid query. Did someone force you to do it?
What I am learning is that Free Advice, and advice in general should always be viewed from the context it is being given to you. Odd Advice An example of this is I was told… Read More »Free Advice, worth every penny ?
Financial advice is given out willy-nilly, but here are some real financial folk writing about catastrophic financial advice they have given.