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Another Fruit Cake

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Regretful Tuesday and #MoneyStories

Black Friday is here with alleged savings as far as you can see, even in Canada? The claim is that even in Canada, there will be excellent Black Friday sales? What happens if you don’t want to buy anything? The entire Black Friday thing is getting out of control and seems to be an excuse to entice folks to spend more darn money, whether they need to or not! How many deluxe, left-handed, artisan cheese straighteners do you need?

Santa at Home Depot
The Spirits of Xmas: Santa 75% off with a Monkey in a Palm Tree

Don’t spend all your hard-earned cash on Friday either, because there are the Cyber Monday sales that will be astounding and eye-popping? Again, if you have no reason to buy anything or don’t need anything, why would you care?

I want to propose a new day after American Thanksgiving, and we should call it Regretful Tuesday, where folks look back on the orgy of spending and eating they have done, and they suddenly get a bad case of guilt? My guess is that is precisely what does happen.

For those watching the Ontario Legislature, Rowan’s Law has been introduced and should be passed soon. There is a petition for this law, and it should be interesting to see how this changes children’s competitive sports and coaching.

Ottawa’s football team is in the Grey Cup for the first time since before I moved here. It indeed will be a RedBlackGrey Cup. Go RedBlackRenegadeRoughRiders!

My Writings for Week Ending November 27th

It was a busy week, as I got out three posts this week. It is not quite like my prodigious hay days when I used to pump out five posts a week, but better than usual:

  • Canadians Paid Even More For Food in October (4.1%) and things are not looking like they are getting any better in terms of Canadians trying to keep their families fed. Thanks to cheap gas (which we can’t drink) we continue to have a skewed view of inflation.
  • We were very happy to get the Notice of Determination on Disability Tax Credit letter in the mail, as it was in our favor in terms of tax considerations for my son’s disability. Mrs. C8j did a great job, so we can continue saving for my son’s future.
  • What the Hustler Taught Me About Banking is another one of my ideas that has been percolating for a while, in my archives of unfinished work. Given the reaction in terms of comments, other folks liked the idea too.

Facebook Post of the Week

What is the difference between a concussion and a simple bump on the head? The National Post takes a run at that question.

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La Tour Eifel

Paris, Black Friday, Financial Literacy and #MoneyStories

The world is again left scratching its head and asking, “Why?” after ISIS attacked Paris. Honestly, I have no idea of why this would be done, but as a wise man has pointed out, follow the money, and you will see the reason why.

Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower
Image courtesy of Simon Howden /

One of my favourite memories of Paris is when my friend and I boldly ran around the Musée du Louvre, snapping pictures in front of all the famous paintings and exhibits. After that, we confidently walked into a lovely restaurant with a McDonald’s shake in hand, just to prove our boss wrong. He was complaining about how tourists in Paris only went to the Louvre and ate at McDonald’s, but we showed him that we were different. To this day, I still wonder why we didn’t do it sooner.

Black Friday began at the start of November, but for those purists, the actual Black Friday is next Friday (the 27th of November). Traditionally that was the day that pushed stores “to the black” (or into a profitable stance), however, it is now yet another excuse to entice folks to spend money.

Financial Literacy month continues as well. Have you learned something new about your finances today?

My Writings for Week Ending November 20th

It is truly the dark days of November here in Ottawa, but there were two new posts this week:

  • Cheques, Cameras and Banking Apps I rehashed some of my security concerns with Wi-Fi in general and banking applications specific on your smartphones or tablets. However, if you try to be secure, these apps will mean fewer visits to your brick-and-mortar banks, but be careful with post-dated cheques.
  • From the archives, remember that in Banking Everything is Negotiable. However, that does not guarantee you will get a better deal, just that you can always ask for one and see what happens (remember the answer is always NO unless you ask).

Facebook Post of the Week

Do you remember Y2K and all the craze about how the world was going to come to an end? Here are some other interesting computer bugs you might not have known about.

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