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Portal to Hell Opens in Ottawa, BoC FSR and #MoneyTalk

This week in Ottawa, a massive sinkhole opened on Rideau Street. There are conflicting stories about whether it was a new Gateway to Hell, or whether the exposure of an existing personal gateway to hell. Either way, it shows that when we make a hole in the Nation’s Capital, we make a hole.

Ottawa Sinkhole

Ottawa SinkHole

I was downtown on Thursday for meetings, and while the downtown is a bit of a mess, all I could think was that I wished I was either in the Concrete or Concrete Delivery business, as the entire downtown seems to be littered with Cement Delivery trucks (to fill the hole). Ottawa seems prone to sinkholes, as we have had more than our share over the past while.

The Bank of Canada thinks the economy is unchanged, as it announced the Financial System Review this week. However, three risks were noted:

The Bank continues to highlight two vulnerabilities related to Canadian households: the elevated level of household indebtedness and imbalances in some regional housing markets. A third vulnerability identified is the fragility of fixed-income market liquidity.

This translates to continued big debt and ludicrous house prices in Vancouver and Toronto (and a few other places) are worrying the Bank. A major financial event (say like a recession) might cause some big issues in the current economy.

My Writings for the Week Ending June 10th

I have written about how I am an attractive bag of medical conditions, but after my latest yearly check-up I came up with the question What Would You Pay $213.52 For? For me it was simple, I really, really don’t want to get shingles, so I would pay for the vaccine myself if I had to.

I must write a thank you note to TD for continuing to motivate me to write about my issues with them, and so another fine rant was written, Automatic Withdrawal Audits. I still await the results of the problem ticket I opened with TD Mutual Funds.

A Money Thought

Never buy anything from someone who is out of breath.”


Surprisingly, that makes good sense!

More Disturbing Financial Images

Monopoly Rule 11

Same is True of Bank of Canada Too?!?
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CRA Itunes Pmts, RESP Scams and #MoneyTalk

I am disturbed to read about a new scam being perpetrated by scum bags, who call unsuspecting folks and claiming that that the victims owe a great deal to the CRA and it must be paid right now. The scam is quite unbelievable if you hear it, but it has caught a few folks already. The CRA has a page for this specific type of scam, so please check this CRA Scams Web Site (by the CRA) and learn how to recognize this kind of scummy behaviour. The CRA are nice folk, but they are a government agency, have definite rules of conduct with the public, and can’t directly harass on the phone (I don’t think). Some simple hints that this is a scam:

  • Very aggressive behaviour, and demanding payment within the next hour. This is a government agency. Nothing happens in an hour (OK, most things never happen in an hour).
  • If they ask for a Credit Card Number or for you to “Cable” money, the CRA doesn’t do that (and they sure as hell do not do iTunes cards).
  • Tell you that you cannot tell any 3rd parties or the like. That flaming red arrow should cause you to hang up your phone.

Please, don’t be fooled or duped.

Staying with scumbags there were folks in Toronto that were contacting new Parents to try to sell them RESPs. Evidently Rouge Valley Health System had their patient personal info stolen, and this is where these folks got the info to contact the new mothers. Don’t buy stuff over the phone, if you didn’t ask for it in the first place.

Farewell to Canada AM which goes off the air today, after 43 years. The morning show format seems to be dying off, but I haven’t really watched Canada AM for a while (sorry guys).

Will Tragically Hip farewell tour tickets become the next Tulip Bubble for Canada?

My Writings for Week Ending June 3rd

A busy week for me at home, so only one new post put in place for the week.

Bad Financial Planners Can Help points out that even if you start with a terrible financial plan, if you review it, revise it and keep it up to date, you might end up with a very good plan. Remember any plan is a living thing, and will need to change with time.

A Money Thought

This hour has 22 minutes still continues to be funny, however, in this instance, I fail to see the humor of this (as a parent who has already talked about moving back in with your parents).

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