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Obnoxious 30-Year-Old Retirees, Olympics and #MoneyTalk

Lord Stanley's Pride
My Hope is to Retire before the Leafs win the Cup

This week a great deal of kerfuffle was kicked up when a couple of 30-year-olds claim they have retired, and were telling folks how they did it (some folks say boastfully). While I know folks who have retired in their 30’s (only to go back to work, because they were a little bored, and also decided they might need a little more money), the idea of “retiring” at 30 seems to be the new Nirvana for millennial folk. Given this generation is going to live longer than my generation, what will they do while “retired”?

Even Garth Turner kicked in his 10 cents worth on the topic, and Preet discussed this with the morning crew at Global too (see the week’s Tweet for that one). If you manage to retire young, on the back of your parents’ assets then pish-posh on you, but if you earn it, through the sweat of your own brow, then good on you! Most folks who will bash folks like this are mostly bitter, narrow-minded financial bloggers (no, wait, that is me); jealousy is never a good reason to mock other folks’ achievements.

I was sad to see the passing of Mauril Belanger (MP with ALS). ALS is a frightening disorder (not that any lethal disorder is better or worse), let us hope the work he did, gets us closer to a way to treat this destructive disorder.

My Writings for Week Ending August 19th

As I get older I keep forgetting about helpful technology, especially in the world of banking, and my article, Old Financial Technology Habits Die Hard outlines how I forgot about photo cheque cashing as a technology (shame on me, I am not a Luddite).

I am attempting to work on my article backlog, and I found one I started a while ago based on a BuzzFeed post that I saw. Little Known Secrets of Financial Planning, is no great epiphany, in fact I get downright sarcastic.

Preet on Early Retirement

Preet is on TV a lot these days, it seems. I have been told I have a face for Radio.

Read More »Obnoxious 30-Year-Old Retirees, Olympics and #MoneyTalk
Save Money, Piggy bank

Little Known Secrets of Financial Planning

Yes, this is the new hack writer trend out there. What is worse is those terrible articles that you find on major sites that are links to horrible, ad laden (and most likely malware laden) sites. Sometimes it even takes you to the Motley Fool!

Little Known Facts about any topic (especially secrets of financial planning) end up being a simple rehash of things that most folks have already heard. Worse they are unsubstantiated rumours about it. With that in mind, let us delve into this important topic

The other important point is that the article always has a “click here” thingy to force you to click (and God knows what you are downloading when you click it), so here is mine (I promise it is simply a link to the rest of this terrific piece of writing).

Read More »Little Known Secrets of Financial Planning
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