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Turkey Bacon

Thanksgiving, Knuckleheads, Debt & the Buddha & #Moneytalk

This weekend we celebrate the harvest in Canada, with our version of Thanksgiving. At this time, we need to remember the turkey, and the contribution it makes to our festive tables. Traditionally for Canadians this weekend is a time for families and friends to get together (nothing compared to our raucous neighbours Thanksgiving in November, however) and remember that charity at this time of plenty is important as well.

Beer Throwing Incident
There is no call for this, no matter how drunk (or stupid) you might be.

The ugly side of sports showed itself as a Blue Jay fan chucked a beer can (and almost hit) an unsuspecting Orioles player. As a lifetime Expos fan, I am unimpressed, and if I saw anyone do that at a ball game, I’d point them out to the authorities. Come on Torontonians figure out who the culprit is and do the right thing. The only Knucklehead at the Jays game should be R.A. Dickey!

It is also Oktoberfest in my old stomping grounds of Kitchener/Waterloo (and Germany) (a good use of beer, as well). This wonderful fall tradition starts (officially) on Thanksgiving weekend. Allegedly, the PM himself will be tapping the first keg.

The big financial news for the week was Minister Morneau Announces Preventative Measures for a Healthy, Competitive and Stable Housing Market, which we shall see how it impacts the bubbling house markets in some cities in Canada.

Stuff I wrote this week

I had grandiose plans of writing a bunch of stuff this week, but life does sometimes get in the way of my best laid plans. It’s not quite what I had in mind (Financially) outlines how some folks settle for bad service, with their money, and they should not. You worked hard to make that money, fight to make it do the most for you.

I keep asking the same question on Social Media, but I never get an answer, RDSP: Question for Canadian Big Banks, asks why is the RDSP such a piss poor program at most banks? I have yet to have anyone from a bank respond to it.

Deep Financial Tweets

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Bye Bye CSBs, 36 Million Strong and #Moneytalk

The government is investigating whether they should abandon the Canada Savings Bonds program, and when I heard that, I thought, What will all the Grandmas invest in now? There are about $500M worth of unclaimed CSBs out there, too. Remember the good old days when CSBs paid out

Canada Savings Bonds
CSBs Ready to Save
1980 Nov S35 11.50%1981 Nov S36 19.50%
1982 Nov S37 12.00%1983 Nov S38 9.25%
1984 Nov S39 11.25%1985 Nov S40 8.50%
1986 Nov S41 7.75%1987 Nov S42 9.00%
1988 Nov S43 9.50%1989 Nov S44 10.50%
1990 Nov S45 10.75%

Yes, remember those heady days when CSBs paid 19.50%. I do! I also remember 15% mortgage rates. However, for all those lovers of CSBs, don’t lament. You can still buy them this year and set up a payroll savings program too! The population of Canada is now over 36 million, according to Stats Canada. We added 139,645 from April to July of this year! Now that is an immigration boom (or one hell of a baby boom!). Funny, it doesn’t feel that crowded, but I don’t live in Toronto either.

In Ottawa, the Glebe has decided that the stores in that area can open on Thanksgiving (and on five other holidays). Do we need that many days to shop? I remember not shopping on Sundays.

The only comment I can make about the American election is, what I have said previously, Overt Zealotry of any kind (religious, political, or any other) worries me a great deal. How is everyone so darn sure they are right?

Stuff I wrote this week

It was another somewhat lazy week for me. However, I have many more ideas percolating in my brain (including one where I am asking MPs questions). Still, this week, I wrote about the Shocking Electricity Price in August (CPI Canada). Ontario is leading the way with ludicrous electricity price increases.

I continue to get comments and questions from my article CRA Child Disability Benefit (How To). Hopefully, folks are being helped by it (it is one of my favourite articles).

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Game of Thrones Financial

Rate Rises, Winter is Coming, Access Neutrality and #MoneyTalk

Autumn has arrived in Ottawa, which of course means that Winter is Coming, but unfortunately the financial pundits down south are also warning of Financial Winter, in the face of possible Fed Rate increases by December. If the US starts ratcheting up interest rates, Canada might follow suit, or might not, to make the dollar weaker? I can’t remember what is in vogue these days, a Weak Dollar helping trade or a Strong Dollar, helping trade?

If Financial Winter is coming, maybe it is time to think about whether you are ready or not?

Game of Thrones Financial

The White Walkers Want Your Money

The CRTC is trying to make sure our Internet Access (at home) is not only available from specific companies, however, the Monopolies (Bell, Telus, Rogers) are not playing very nice, as outlined in ‘We need to fix this’: Big telcos hoard fibre optic networks despite CRTC order. Companies like Teksavvy have been trying to compete, but continue to run into the Monopolies lack of co-operation.

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Preet and Money

We see him here, we see him there, that Preet B. is everywhere!.

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