Alternate Financial Facts, 1984 and #Moneytalk
This week we were introduced to a new term that I am pretty sure is going to stick around for a while. Arguing a point a Trump advisor used the expression that they had Alternate Facts and from that statement it all exploded. Alternate Facts now seems to imply falsehoods, so let us bring up some Alternate Financial Facts into the argument:
- Would alternate savings really just be debt ?
- Alternate credit rehabilitation simply be bankruptcy or getting farther into debt?
- With alternate financial facts negative equity would be a very good thing
What would the Ministry of Truth think of that? Speaking of 1984 by George Orwell, surprisingly it is now a best seller. The book is a must read, as is Animal Farm , just to understand how totalitarian worlds evolve from democracy (or how a good idea can be perverted easily). I prefer Animal Farm to 1984, but both are books you must read.
My Writings for Week Ending January 27th
I guess my alternate fact analytics are showing that millions of readers came over to check out my only writing of the week, Energy Up 4.0 % for 2016 , where we learned that in Ontario electricity costs were up over 11% (year over year), and we all keep asking why?. The Ministry of Truth does need to look into that one.
A Money Thought
What does the Dow at 20,000 mean? I have no bloody idea, and luckily neither do other folks.