Payday Loans: No, no, no!
Payday loans are the great white shark of the credit world, all it does is trap its prey, and never let them go. To paraphrase, they gouge consumers and make money, it’s all they do!
Payday loans are the great white shark of the credit world, all it does is trap its prey, and never let them go. To paraphrase, they gouge consumers and make money, it’s all they do!
It is the most wonderful time of the year, tax time cometh, and the tax man wants to be paid, remember not paying is against the law!
Digital Roaming fees in Canada were the “wild west” for a long time, luckily the CRTC has now put a cap on those charges, remember that.
Back in my early days I did still buy individual stocks, and in fact, I still own some BCE, but I am an Index Investor (mostly) now. Why? well, for a lot of reasons, but… Read More »BCE Smokin’ Hot…
So last month’s new car sales numbers reflect a trend, you would expect with gas at $1 a liter and higher in most of Canada, they dropped another 3.7% in February, and the trend looks… Read More »Cars