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Remembrance Day 2010

We Shall Remember, Paradise Papers, Tax Cheats and #MoneyTalk #FLM2017

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day in Canada (and it is Veteran’s Day in the USA), and we should all remember the sacrifice others have made for our freedoms. The day may fall on Saturday this year, but take some time to think about those who have paid the ultimate price.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The War Memorial in Ottawa

The government has been making getting a Disability Tax Ceritificate much harder. Currently they are arguing that folks with diabetes are not actually disabled, because they have a workaround with insulin. I don’t’ agree with this statement, but I doubt that will change the CRAs minds.

Many folks with children that are on the autism spectrum are having issues getting their DTCs, as well. I have said all along this is not an easy process, and the CRA has been scrutinizing applications even more. They have been taking a very close look at applications “helped out” by certain firms, that offer their services to apply for the DTC. There are many stories of specific Doctors having all their DTC applications rejected due to their voluminous work in that area.

Why is the government doing this? More income seems to be the reason.

With the leak of the Paradise Papers, we now see a litany of Canadians who have used offshore tax havens to hide their riches. Will the CRA scrutinize these nefarious tax­ evaders? I hope they show as much vigor in following up with these folks as they have with the disabled “tax cheats” out there.

My Recent Writings

A busier week for me, where I had two different articles.ODSP and RDSP Services that Clash, came out of a presentation I attended about RDSPs. I ended up asking my PMP about how it works, and the response is fairly clear. Given how the ODSP works, I suspect I may be writing more about this topic.

Investment Risk Profiles are a real pain in my rear. I continue to wrestle with these questionnaires, and they really do just seem to be something the lawyers concocted.

Micro Blogging on Finance

Do you complain on-line using social media? I rant a lot, and end up with folks from companies confronting me, but I haven’t used social media much, yet.

Read More »We Shall Remember, Paradise Papers, Tax Cheats and #MoneyTalk #FLM2017
Clocks Go Back

Fall Back, Farewell PC Financial, and #MoneyTalk

This Saturday night you will be turning your clocks back an hour, giving yourself an extra hour sleep. For me it will simply mean going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, I could live without fall back.

Clocks Go Back

PC Financial the bank is now a thing of the past. I updated my iPhone and my PC Financial app suddenly got updated to a Simplii application. As with all new things there seem to have been a few glitches with the new system. Hopefully those will be ironed out soon. My PC Mastercard will still go on, collecting PC Points, but now my accounts are with Simplii? For now, I seem to have too many different bank accounts these days, diversity is one thing, but this is madness.

TD has had problems with their e-transfers, which they think is fixed, but their customers are not so sure. I have certainly seen messages on the TD site warning of these issues, let us hope they are all remedied soon.

My Recent Writings

Inflation continues to run at low levels, as I wrote about in Inflation Still Under 2 Pct (for now). Maybe inflation is a thing from the past? Somehow, I doubt it, but anything is possible, I suppose.

I do enjoy the series Letterkenny which you can watch on Crave, and with that in mind, I paraphrased Wayne with Who Green-Lit this Tom-Foolery ? I am using that turn of phrase more and more these days, much to the chagrin of Mrs. C8j.

Doug Hoyes kindly let me back on his Podcast (after the huge ratings of the last one), to talk about RDSPs. I enjoyed being there, but I did mis-speak on a couple of points, so I attempted to fix this with RDSP Clarifications and Podcasts. I will be writing more about the RDSP in the next few weeks.

When I wrote Movember, My Story, I wasn’t sure I was going to publish it. Frankly, it shows what an idiot I am, but if it helps anyone, it has done what I hope.

Micro Blogging on Finance

While Gail Vaz-Oxlade may have stopped writing on-line her tweets are still a treat (if a bit NSFW sometimes). Good advice if your bank is giving you a hard time.

Read More »Fall Back, Farewell PC Financial, and #MoneyTalk
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