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leaky pip

Mortgage Tests, Thanks Gord and Bombardier and #Moneytalk

The government appears to be worried about the state of home ownership and has proposed new rules that will require new mortgage applicants to pass a “torture test” (Guideline B-20). These new rules could lead to fewer approved mortgages. However, I believe that these rules are necessary as they will make it harder for people to put themselves in a financial bind. Although real estate agents who sell both new and used homes may not be pleased with these new rules, it remains to be seen what tactics they will use to work around them. Nevertheless, I am confident that these new rules will bring about positive changes in the housing market come the New Year.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

leaky pip
Maintenance of the House Can Add Up Yes, these are my pipes that I had to fix (not cheap)

It was funny the first time I read the new rules I thought it was protecting the lenders (banks and such), but most pundits seem to think it is in place to protect the borrowers? I guess it protects both. However, we really won’t be able to tell for a while.

Gord Downie’s passing is a sad event. I was never a huge fan of the Tragically Hip, but I do enjoy their music. Mr. Downie’s battle against cancer was astounding to watch. He refused to give up, and simply fade away, he kept on going and for showing that kind of strength he should be admired. The world is a less interesting place with Mr. Downie’s passing.

Bombardier signed a deal with Airbus that will make their new C-Series Jets “American made”, which is an interesting way to get around the 300% levy being proposed in the States. Is this going to be a good move for them? Again, only time will tell, but the markets seem to think it was good (Bombardier and Airbus stocks are both up).

Recent Writings

I do think that Pessimists Make Better Financial Planners, and the new rules for house buying seem to agree with my statement. So many folks I know are far too optimistic in their financial plans, and inevitably something derails those plans.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada shows off one of the finest turkeys with a bacon weave that you will ever see. Yes my wife cooked that turkey (a while ago), and it was delicious. The only question is how to get more bacon on the turkey?

Payroll Donations at Work came up when I tried to make my payroll donations directly to my Church and found out just how much is taken from my donations as “management overhead”. I am not trying to stop you from being charitable, just want to make sure all the money you give goes to those who need it.

Micro Blogging on Finance

Kerry at Squawkfox was on the CBC talking about the new mortgage rules. Have a look.

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IKEA, furniture warehouse store. Location

Halifax IKEA, New Tax Plans, Pumpkin Spice ETFs and #MoneyTalk

Why would anyone celebrate the opening of an IKEA in Halifax? One reason is there are no IKEA stores in the Maritimes. The closest one is in Quebec, and there are companies that will charge to ship IKEA kits to folks in the Maritimes, but now that is all changed. The Halifax IKEA is now open, and now Maritimers can enjoy meatballs, hot dogs and using Allen keys to build things. Remember to follow the instructions! Follow Squawkfox’s instructions on How to Survive a trip to IKEA. Evidently IKEA stuff is hard to put together so they bought a start up to help you ?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

IKEA in Halifax
Big Crowds on Opening Day at IKEA in Halifax

Why do I know so much about IKEA and the Maritimes? I once made an IKEA run for my daughter from Ottawa to Wolfville to drop off her furniture. Would have been nice to have an IKEA closer by, back then.

President Trump unveiled his new tax plan this week, and it looks interesting, but as with all revised systems, the devil is in the details. In the USA, you can tell the former Canadians, because when an American complains about how high their taxes are, Canadian is the one that chuckles quietly in the background. The Highest tax rate in this new system will be 35% (maybe), in Canada the Federal Highest Tax Bracket is 33%, but remember we do have provincial tax to go with that. Whenever I hear tax reform is coming, I remember to hide more money in my mattress (figuratively speaking).

Pumpkin spice ETF? What is that? Well it is the only place I have not seen those descriptors used. Isn’t pumpkin spice just nutmeg?

Recent Writings

I keep hearing how advice from the past is no longer valid for investing, but I disagree. With Three Investment Credo from the Past  I point out that three good points from the past in investing are still quite valid. You can lose money with any investment, keep this in mind.

Good Money Podcasts outlines a few great Podcasts, from Canada, but also points to the Debt Free in 30 Podcast specifically. I was on with Doug Hoyes, and we talked about what happens when a 47 year old gets laid off. Which 47-year-old? Who do you think? Doug is in bankruptcy, and there is always jobs there.

Micro Blogging on Finance

I think Doug is taking a little poetic license on this one, although some say it just might be!

Read More »Halifax IKEA, New Tax Plans, Pumpkin Spice ETFs and #MoneyTalk
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