Personal Finance: The Quarterly Status Report
A quarterly status report for yourself and maybe your spouse will force you to keep up to date with your finances, which is never a bad thing
A quarterly status report for yourself and maybe your spouse will force you to keep up to date with your finances, which is never a bad thing
The serenity prayer is an important part of many 12 step recovery plans, but it is also something that can help you cope with day-to-day issues.
Special Saturday Posting Normally I take Saturday off, but this CBC posting about what the U.S.A. could have done with what they have spent on the Iraq war (evidently a Trillion dollars) what they could… Read More »If I had a Trillion Dollars?
Discover the impact of the Canadian dollar’s fluctuations on your financial planning. Learn how to maximize your RRSP contributions and minimize your debt load.
Bankrupting a New Relationship with an Expensive Wedding After spending a very enjoyable evening at my brother-in-law’s reception on Saturday night I looked back on my wedding and where we had the right idea, and… Read More »Weddings and Costs