The High Price of Green
Over the holidays I channeled my inner David Suzuki and decided I needed to deal with some of the bigger trash issues in my house. I am a pack rat when it comes to High… Read More »The High Price of Green
Over the holidays I channeled my inner David Suzuki and decided I needed to deal with some of the bigger trash issues in my house. I am a pack rat when it comes to High… Read More »The High Price of Green
Sometimes good habits start happening and you don’t notice that you are doing them. Good financial habits can be achieved in the same way. What do I mean? When I stopped biting my finger nails,… Read More »Good Financial Habits
Charity is our ability to give thanks, by helping others. We all have been helped by someone in our lives, might be time to pay some of that back.
As 2008 began there were some great things to read about financially, along with all the stuff I wrote as well.
For those of you without 17 year old in your house, January 9th is the deadline for them to apply to Universities using the OUAC system. I remember when I applied, it was a form… Read More »Let The Spending Begin!