Even though I do Index Investing (mostly) I do realize that with all investing plans there are downsides. I read an interesting article in the Kiplinger magazine (by Elizabeth Leary) that talked about the obvious… Read More »Index Investing Downsides
The markets went berserk, and now folks are attempting to explain, mansplain or rationalize what happened. Was it bitcoin? Was it American Inflation Concerns? Maybe I wasn’t wearing my lucky socks on Tuesday? Who knows but the mayhem continues. It is now being called a correction, so welcome to the end of the Bull Market of 2009.
Given this started with a 20 minute debacle, I doubt that many humans were involved in this, more like many trading algorithms saw their shadow and they all dumped, stock, causing the sudden deep drop. Another example of FinTech having the promise of doing things well, but has the downside of amplifying and accelerating bad things. Hopefully it will be a sobering event for Millenials who keep saying, “The Market never goes downâ€.
In Ottawa we learned that our LRT is delayed at least 6 months, if not longer. Given that the Mass Transit system in Ottawa has been a mess for 4 years, I guess another year of waiting won’t matter. I keep thinking that it shouldn’t take this long to put in a tram system, but I am not a Mass Transit expert either.
The Olympics have already started, and not just because Korea is so many hours ahead of us. Mixed Curling has started, and mixed team skating has started as well. Glad to see Curling made it into the Olympics. I hated Curling as a child, but that was because it interfered with watching the Bugs Bunny Road Runner hour. Go Olympics! Go Sports!
Remember it is Tax Season and RRSP season as well. I don’t espouse making those late RRSP additions for the sake of it, but remember you can use a TFSA, an RRSP, or an RESP to save for your future (or your kids’ future). My only argument against using those would be, you should pay your debts off first!
My Recent Writings
A while ago a loved one was duped into changing her Cable TV provider, but thanks to Ellen Roseman I was able to remedy the situation. Slamming Senior Citizens is a growth industry (given the baby boomers are getting older), and I am not happy about it. Don’t let these 21st Century Fuller Brush Salesfolk get fat on duping our seniors.
Micro Blogging on Finance
Crisis? What Crisis? The Markets went berserk for a while this week, but they are fine now? Maybe? Preet has some advice for you.
A (Canadian) balanced portfolio with the typical home bias is nowhere near down as much as a 100% exposure to the Dow. Don’t sell in fear, don’t buy in greed. Just stick to your plan. #dontbeanagentofchaospic.twitter.com/2t8kk0NkHE
Senior citizen slamming seems to be the new lucrative trickery that various sales outlets have adopted. This kind of flim-flammery really does upset me greatly. Simply handing a senior an unknown piece of technology, is the same as handing a child a sharp knife.
It’s the Super Bowl weekend in Minnesota, but as a dedicated Vikings fan, I have no interest in the game whatsoever. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if both teams were disqualified and no winner declared. I am a die-hard Vikings fan and I am not afraid to admit that I am bitter about the whole situation. So, if you’re planning to watch the game, you better have some chili in the slow cooker, plenty of beer on hand, and be prepared for what will undoubtedly be the longest football game of the season!
Spent another 20 minutes on the phone to make my semi-annual RDSP contribution to my son’s account at TD Direct Investing. No, my son’s account is still inaccessible directly on-line for deposits or transfers (i.e. I can automatically deposit to his RDSP from my chequing account). I continue to ask how to fix it, but I keep getting told that is how the system works. Evidently someone who has their own RDSP, that they can contribute to their own account, so that might be the issue, but I also continue to get no explanation from TD why I must follow the circular payment method that I do?
The Route for Money to My Son’s RDSP
There is a very interesting set of documentaries on Netflix called Dirty Money. The first episode was about the VW Clean Diesel scandal, however, the second episode is even more insidious as it is about Online PayDay Loan companies in the USA. The dirty tricks in the agreements are shocking. The story is also about the owners and their prosecution by the Federal Government, but I was just so disgusted by the way the loan customers were tricked into believing they were paying off their loans, when in fact they were only paying a service charge to roll-over their loan to the next period. I would recommend watching the series just on the basis of the first 2 episodes.
My Recent Writings
Been a busy week for me, so I didn’t put out any new content this week, but I do continue to update and edit many of my 3000+ posts, and if you follow my Twitter feed you will see those updated articles. For #BellLetsTalk I did bring back I’m an Adult Now?, where I lamented the passing of my father 7 years ago. Also remember that Debt is a Four Letter Word.
How do we pay for all of this? Photo courtesy Freedigital.net
Can OHIP and Medicare survive? Stats Canada has an interesting report to worry you (and points out the Tsunami of Alzheimer’s and Dimentia cases), High use of acute care hospital services at age 50 or older. The aging population will tax all parts of the Social Safety net, but can our hospitals deal with this? We will need more structures, more Doctors , more Nurses and more support staff, where will they come from? My guess is the full impact of OHIP overload and other services is not completely clear (yet).
This year I finally followed my advice and unlocked my Bell iPhone 5. I followed the advice of How to Save Money, on how to do it on-line, and it worked (I think). The problem is I need a SIM card from another company to test it, so I haven’t actually tested that it worked.
My Recent Writings
Thanks to a comment by an Anonymous Banker, I learned about a Canadian banking regulation, and thus I wrote, Banking Regulations our Friend. Banks cannot force you to open a bank account with them if they offer you a loan, however, they can offer you a better deal to entice you to open that account.
Micro Blogging on Finance
I follow Jason Zweig from the WSJ and he does an excellent job with the extra characters Twitter has given us, to make a bit of biting financial satire.
1980: "Index funds are un-American" 1990: "No-load funds are no-help funds" 1995: "You get what you pay for" 2000: "We pick the best managers" 2015: "No robo-advisor can replace what we do" 2018: "Of course the CEO of Vanguard would say that" 2020: "Hi. I'm your Lyft driver" https://t.co/ynM5krkI4A