Why do Banks Fail ?
The Fed taking over IndyMac in the U.S. made me wonder about whether this kind of thing can happen in Canada. Of course the simple answer is no, it is not likely to happen, however,… Read More »Why do Banks Fail ?
The Fed taking over IndyMac in the U.S. made me wonder about whether this kind of thing can happen in Canada. Of course the simple answer is no, it is not likely to happen, however,… Read More »Why do Banks Fail ?
Yes, Stats Canada asks the interesting question, “Is it possible to have the rate of folks employed stay the same, but the rate of unemployed folks increase?”, the answer this month is “Yes”. How? Read… Read More »Employment the Same but Unemployment Up?
What is the worst financial advice I have ever given? It wasn’t actually financial advice, but it had financial ramifications, unfortunately. Never joke about financial stuff, you never know who will take you seriously.
Our attempts at curbing our spending on groceries, with day 3 of not going to the store to buy dinner, continues on with good progress. Tuesday we cheated a little with me picking up some veggies on… Read More »Progress on Changes
This was written in July 2008 just as the Markets started to crash. The Credit Fraud Market crash was astounding to live through. I was unlucky enough to be laid off during it as well.… Read More »Bad Day on the Market