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Canajun Finances Home » Happy 20th Anniversary

Happy 20th Anniversary

I have been publishing my thoughts on Personal Finance and other topics for over 20 years now. Doesn’t really seem that long ago. I do have proof that it was that long, as my son turns 20 very soon as well, and he was part of the motivation to start this odd collection of ideas.

The hope was that I would make some money to help him out, but I never really did. I don’t have the urge to really whore myself out. I do have Adsense ads which pay pennies to me, but that is about it. I have had a few paid posts here, and a few other things, most of which I have deleted or rewritten.

In my early days I wrote about everything and anything. Don’t believe me have a look through the archives of my 3rd year, 2007. Holy cow, how did I vomit out that much?

I write a great deal less now, and only about things that matter to me. Those things are:

  • Family and Finances, which should be for you as well.
  • Disabilities, and the RDSP, which I am a talented user of (for lack of a better term). I wouldn’t call me an expert
  • Occasional flights of fancy about Personal Finance ideas that interest me.

I thank you for stopping by, when you do. This ended up mostly being an open letter to my family, and myself about money.

What comes next?

I am rewriting the older material. A lot of it is SEO clean up, and fixing some atrocious grammar. I update things as best I can as well. I usually will post the updated versions on my extensive social media presence.

I am using AI for the publishing on Social Media. I figure I have lived my life as a mathematician watching the world cheating using calculators and spreadsheets, so why is it a crime for me to use AI to write SEO material? I am not going to publish AI written works as my own, most folks who read this site can easily tell which is which, if I did.

I am confident I will continue to write now and then. I want to write more about Money & Dementia, as I have experienced a great deal over the past few years, with my mother’s decent and eventual demise from this.

Thank you, good reader, please come again.

Toronto Star

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