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Curing Autism

There is talk of “Curing Autism”, which parents of children on the spectrum cringe when they hear it. If you think this is possible, good for you. Take the first letters of GFY and figure out what I really mean.

Many “helpful” people have asked me the following queries:

When I don’t just ignore them, I will ask, “What do you mean by cured?”.

  • “Act normal” like us? I don’t count myself in the “us”, I am not normal, and I am glad to say it.
  • Able to work as a drone picking fruit or vegetables? Doing horribly menial jobs in a “sheltered workshop” working for $2/hour?

If that is your view, again, Good For You. We are lucky that my son is higher up on the Spectrum, but he has his challenges. What does his future hold? I don’t know. I will be at best skeptical about any “cure” offered. I will not race off to try it.

Autism Cure?

Autism is a brain stem injury. How are you going to cure that? That is a rhetorical question.

For those parents and folks living with Autism, my humblest of apologies, if I sound flippant. I maybe have just had enough of “experts” peddling this crap.

Autism References (internal and external)

  1. Some of my own articles about dealing with Autism.
  2. Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
    Government of Canada. (n.d.). Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP).
  3. The Out-of-Sync Child
    Kranowitz, C. S. (1998). The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder.
    This book is widely referenced by professionals working with children who have sensory challenges, including those on the Autism spectrumlike my son.
  4. Autism Speaks – What is Autism?
    Autism Speaks. (n.d.). What is Autism?
    Retrieved from
  5. Autism Ontario – Resources and Support
    Autism Ontario. (n.d.). Resources and Support for Autism.
    Retrieved from
  6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Retrieved from
  7. National Autistic Society (UK) – What is Autism?
    National Autistic Society. (n.d.). What is Autism?
    Retrieved from
  8. Vaccines and Autism Myths
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism. Retrieved from

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