What can you do with your $200 cheque from the Ontario Provincial Government (aka the Ontario Provincial Conservative Party)? Hopefully they didn’t bounce but lots of things.
First, when you deposit it, check if your bank allows a “Memo” section to describe the deposit. If it does, put “Bribe from Doug Ford” on it.
Some folks need this money, so yes, use it if that is the case. If you are conflicted and unsure whether you should use it there are options.
- If you are in debt, pay down your debt.
- Donate it to your favourite charity or Food Bank if you don't need it. Today, more than ever, they need your help.
- Give the money to someone who does need it? Up to you. Should you be beholding to the Tories the bribe? No, they are giving you your own money back. I have no issue with that. But you can't buy my vote with that amount. I'm sure that sentence doesn't read well ethically, but I don't care. It is Election Time (2025) in Ontario, too, so this should not be a deciding factor. Canada is not for sale, and neither should Ontario voters.
I think the program is all Flash and has no substance. Put the money in the health care system is my view, but I am an old gimpy guy.