There are folks much worse off than I am. These are my observations of the world when you have less mobility. The question is, is the world accessible?
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
I wrecked my knee about a year ago (2023), and it continues to not work to specifications. Thanks to this, I cannot use stairs, walk with assistance (a cane), and seem to fall a lot. While this seems more like an inconvenience than a disability, I can assure you it isn’t any fun.
No, I have not applied for a Disability Tax Credit. However, if this continues, I may consider that route.
I have spoken with other folks whose disabilities are much more severe. Here are a few of the interesting issues that I (and others) have run into.
Accessible Parking
I have a placard that allows me to park in accessible parking. However, I have seen countless times where folks are parked ” just for a few minutes,” thus denying me access to the parking spot. Think about what you are doing, the next time you do this.
For those that park in the cross-hatch area in between accessible spots, please reconsider your actions. I hope one day you understand what a dick manoeuvre that is. You will realize it eventually.
Accessible Washrooms
Yes, I need help there because I cannot seat myself safely. If you use the stall for:
- “I need to change clothes. I won’t be long.”
- I enjoy the space
- It was the only one available.
You are part of the problem, too. I can try to find another bathroom, but for those with severe mobility issues, you may cause them to have embarrassing accidents.
Idiotic Building Designs
My office has a ramp at its entrance. The grade of the ramp is 4.9 degrees (or so). It is a challenge for me to get up, but I can do it. They do offer "mobility scooters" for disabled folks to help them get up this long ramp, but it is a challenge for those in wheelchairs. One person in a wheelchair asked about this and was told, "Just use the mobility scooters".
What should that person do with their wheelchair? The response was, "Just bungy chord the chair to the scooter." I don't think the respondent was listening to what they said.
I have seen a few buildings where the "accessible" features are less than ideal.
Accessible Travel
I have travelled on the train (VIA) and it was OK. I was in the Club Car, so there was more space, and the bathrooms were accommodating.
I cringe when I think about travelling by airplane. I don't fit in most airlines' regular seating (I'm too tall). I do not know how to use the bathroom on the plane, but it might work. If you are in a wheelchair, this would be hell.
The next time you fly, have a look and wonder how you might fit in a wheelchair.
Accessible? Kind of, but not Good Enough
This was not a big issue for me before I fell. Luckily, I have a new lens to see through, and while there are well-meaning attempts to help, the world needs to make things much more accessible. I think this is an important issue. Ask your MPs, MPPs, and local leaders about this topic. What are they doing about things?
Nice post
Too often I find carts left in the disabled parking spots. I am disabled as well, walking with a cane and will eventually get my roller back from my dad when he no longer needs it. He is 96 so that is not too far away. In the meantime, I have my cat and a foster living in my dad’s home until he passes and we fix it up and sell it. Then I will move to BC as I cannot live in Ontario for the rest of my life! This snow and -30s crap has got to go or I need to go to where it is warmer. My cat loves me and will come with me regardless of where I go. Then I can start fostering in BC…
I wish you the best on your journey. Take care of your cats too.