Yes, I have finally decided to retire at 40, and I am really stoked about it. When I was younger, I only dreamed about this, but now I think 40 is really going to happen. FIRE is real and you can do it too!
Before you check the link, yes you are reading The Canadian Personal Finance Place. No, I have not lost my mind, I am just having fun. Finally, the previous statement is true and will hopefully happen soon.
Wait! You are over 60! This cannot be possible!
My age is over 60, but this all depends on your perspective on age. No, I am not saying, you are as young as you feel. I am saying from an Arithmetic perspective I can still retire at 40.
Decimal is the normal counting base accountants and such work with. Computer Scientists tend to be able to count using many different bases. Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal arithmetic are skills I still have today. I am quite proud of this skill. Allow me to demonstrate:
- 20 in decimal is 10 times 2 (two groupings of 10)
- but 20 in octal is 8 times 2 plus 4, thus is 0o24
- and 20 in hexadecimal is 16 times 1 plus 4, thus 0x14

When I was in my twenties, I wanted to retire by 40, but I was hoping it was in Octal, thus 32 in decimal.
When I reached 32 (decimal) I hoped to retire at 40 (decimal)
Now I am over 60 (decimal), I think I can retire at 40 (hexadecimal) (or 64 decimal).
Not what you expected? Sorry FIRE folks, but also remember values and numbers can be represented a lot of ways. Always ask if you don’t understand the values being presented to you.
And: Never give up on your dreams!

Sometimes a Tweet can turn into something more.
Happy Anniversary
Yes, I started this back in 2005, hard to believe it. Still Crazy after all these years, I suppose.