A friend of this website is Doug Hoyes (CA, CPA), who gave me a copy of his book Straight Talk on Your Money to review. As most folks who have given me their books know, I am atrocious at reading and following up on books. However, Mr. Hoyes had an ace in the hole: He published an Audiobook. I subscribe to Audible, so I used one of my credits to purchase the book and was pleasantly surprised.
Mr. Hoyes’s presence and narration of the book are excellent. Many authors fool themselves into thinking that only they can bring their story to life, but Mr. Hoyes’ experience with his podcast has served him well.
This is a book for anyone wanting to learn how financial plans can go awry. The stories are of ordinary folks who had some very bad luck or things just got out of control. If you think you have everything under control, read the book. You will feel less confident and see where your plan might need tweaking.
If you think you have your life insurance story in place, please read the There is More to Death than Life Insurance section. I did like the section about Never Loan Money to Family or Friends as well. I won’t ruin it for you, but it really does make sense to me.
The book is an excellent read and the audio book is really great to listen to while commuting or on long car trips too. Mr. Hoyes’ delivery on the audiobook is top rate (and his son engineered the book as well, and the sound balance was very good). This is not a classic How To financial book but it gives concrete examples about how life is variable and things can go wrong.
Straight Talk on Your Money is an excellent financial read.
Open Disclosure
I do like Mr. Hoyes, I have only met him a few times, however we have spoken many times on-line, and I have been a guest on his podcast twice. Mr. Hoyes is a bankruptcy trustee (and an accountant), and he seems to genuinely care about his customers as well. Mr. Hoyes did give me a copy of his book, however, I bought the audiobook version myself. I am not receiving any payment for this review. If you click on the Amazon link I will make a small commission. Please keep this in mind while reading my review.