Spring is here? That is a question most of us in Ottawa are asking. In earlier years, we have had warmer temperatures and things starting to grow, but not yet this year. If you are thinking financially, it’s a good time to start thinking about doing your taxes. Also, consider what to do with your refund if you are getting one. Possibly the RRSP to TFSA pas de deux?

Will you be removing your Facebook account? Remember that we are on Facebook as well, but yeh lots of folks are talking about Facebook betraying them? Really? What did you think they were going to do with all the data they had? You were all Facebook had to sell, and that is their business. Yes, I have a Facebook account. Yes, I share photos and make personal quips on it. But do they have all my data? I hope not.
An expression this alarming could not have been thought up. Yet, I received an email with the title, “3 Reasons Your Retirement Is One Big Math Problem”. If you are trying to convince people they can’t do their own retirement planning, that is the headline you want. People are paranoid about anything to do with Math. They will run from it like a frightened deer if it is mentioned. The headline while truthful is almost a false flag to convince them they need to get a retirement financial advisor. No, you don’t need that, it’s arithmetic really, which wasn’t that hard, was it?
What do I have planned for the coming personal finance year? Not sure, still working on that.
My Recent Writings
I am still astounded it has been 13 years since I started writing here. However, Still Financially Crazy after 13 Years does outline some of my favorite topics. There are more than 3000 articles here. I need to make it easier for you folks to be able to find them. I think.
K. Trevor Wilson is a very good comedian, and not a bad financial advisor, as I point out in More Financial Advice from a Comedian. It really is cheaper to go see a comedian. It costs more to go to a financial advisor. Think about it.
Micro Blogging on Finance
I am trying a small experiment with the tag #FinancialDeepThoughts where I precurse something from my archives with a quote from a smart person. See what you think.
Spring is here?
Financial Spring is here, time to start growing some money!
- Any time I make a new claim on my tax forms within a month I receive a request for more information from the CRA, and to help with those the Blunt Bean Counter brings us, CRA Information Requests“ 2018 Update. Remember to answer these or you will end up with bigger headaches later.
- Your Realtor is not a Financial Advisor is an obvious statement by Barry Choi. If you ever thought your realtor was anything more than a used House salesperson give your head a shake.
- I am reading a book written by Ryan Holiday and his post, Seriously, You ”Ok, We Need To Stop Watching The News This Year, sums up my feelings about the media in general these days. News is no longer news, it is Disinfotainment.
- Rob Carrick pointed out that The Big Six banks will fleece you if you let them, but if you are a regular reader here, you already knew that one, didn't you?
- When you write on-line, you get plenty of queries with odd requests. Therefore, Michael James decided to answer some of these on-line with Replies to Emails I Usually Ignore. A fairly reserved reply by my standards.
Farewell Fellow Traveler
Dr. Stephen Hawking passed away, and even in death he is far more eloquent than I will ever be.
This added one made me cry a little too.
The New 2018 Random Thoughts
- Steady Interest Rates, Spring Forward and #MoneyTalk (March 8th)
- Budgets, Phoenix Death, Inflation and #MoneyTalk (March 2nd)
- Potholes, Tuition Increases, and #MoneyTalk (February 23rd)
- RRSP, Lent, Happy Year of the Dog and #MoneyTalk (February 16th)
- Roller Coaster Markets , Olympics and #Moneytalk (February 9th)
- Superb Owls, RDSP Deposit and #MoneyTalk (February 2nd)
- OHIP Overload, Doomsday minus 2 minutes, and #MoneyTalk (January 26th)
- Tighter Money, Best Investment, Go North! and #MoneyTalk (January 19th)
- Paper Delivery, Bitcoin and #MoneyTalk (January 12th)
- Polar Vortexes, Minimum Wage and #MoneyTalk (January 4th)
End of 2017 Random Thoughts
- Winter, Inflation and Christmas are Here and #Moneytalk (December 22nd)
- Canadians Owe More , Polar Temps, CPP Survivor Benefits and #MoneyTalk (December 15th)
- DTC Changes, Christmas Present Ideas, Fraud and #MoneyTalk (December 8th)
- Unlocking Phones, Raiding Parents’ RRSP, Household Debt and #Moneytalk (December 1st)