My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed LetterKenny Live, and as part of the show is stand-up from K. Trevor Wilson. Mr. Wilson’s comedy is very topical and he had financial advice for young folks that resonated with us.
“… when you are young, eat in, but poop out…”
K. Trevor Wilson – Actor and Comedian
This is a paraphrase, I don’t remember his exact words. Don’t be too literal when reading the quote.
When you are young, eating in will save you money, and teach you how to survive in the world. It will give you culinary skills and teach you how much food costs.
When you start living by yourself, there are a lot of expenses, including toilet paper. If you can hold it, do your pooping at work or at external sites, but buy nice toilet paper for the times you can’t hold it, at home.
This is a little extreme (or esoteric) in terms of financial advice, but it was very funny (to me) and topical. I am starting to think that comedians are better financial advisors than a great many financial folks I have met in my travels.
I would also recommend seeing Mr. Wilson’s show (or on Letterkenny) he is very funny.