This Saturday night you will be turning your clocks back an hour, giving yourself an extra hour sleep. For me it will simply mean going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, I could live without fall back.

PC Financial the bank is now a thing of the past. I updated my iPhone and my PC Financial app suddenly got updated to a Simplii application. As with all new things there seem to have been a few glitches with the new system. Hopefully those will be ironed out soon. My PC Mastercard will still go on, collecting PC Points, but now my accounts are with Simplii? For now, I seem to have too many different bank accounts these days, diversity is one thing, but this is madness.
TD has had problems with their e-transfers, which they think is fixed, but their customers are not so sure. I have certainly seen messages on the TD site warning of these issues, let us hope they are all remedied soon.
My Recent Writings
Inflation continues to run at low levels, as I wrote about in Inflation Still Under 2 Pct (for now). Maybe inflation is a thing from the past? Somehow, I doubt it, but anything is possible, I suppose.
I do enjoy the series Letterkenny which you can watch on Crave, and with that in mind, I paraphrased Wayne with Who Green-Lit this Tom-Foolery ? I am using that turn of phrase more and more these days, much to the chagrin of Mrs. C8j.
Doug Hoyes kindly let me back on his Podcast (after the huge ratings of the last one), to talk about RDSPs. I enjoyed being there, but I did mis-speak on a couple of points, so I attempted to fix this with RDSP Clarifications and Podcasts. I will be writing more about the RDSP in the next few weeks.
When I wrote Movember, My Story, I wasn’t sure I was going to publish it. Frankly, it shows what an idiot I am, but if it helps anyone, it has done what I hope.
Micro Blogging on Finance
While Gail Vaz-Oxlade may have stopped writing on-line her tweets are still a treat (if a bit NSFW sometimes). Good advice if your bank is giving you a hard time.
November Falling Back
If you don’t change your clocks, just remember you will be showing up early to lots of things on Monday. Maybe that would be a good thing?
- Doug Hoyes did some excellent work researching, Do I Lose My RDSP If I Go Bankrupt? The answer should be, No, however there really isn’t anything written down to confirm that. We shall see if this becomes an issue in the future. My comments were interesting, but as you saw, they needed clarifying as well.
- In a galling (but ironic) bit of news, Equifax earnings: Breach may have hurt consumers, but it won’t hurt the business, in fact their “identity management” service is still rolling in the dough. Ironic? Annoying, that is for sure.
- Steadyhand’s Fighting fire with fire is an interesting discussion of doing something that sounds wrong, but in the end is the right thing. They are espousing buying specific stocks, I still believe in indexing, but it is still an interesting article.
- Is it a good idea to Open A TFSA For A Child ? Marie from Boomer and Echo discusses this, but remember the TFSA program is for adults, so no point in doing anything until the kids turn 18, but then, might not be a bad idea.
- The Blunt Bean Counter continues his tutorial with, Tax Efficient Investing – Part 2, trying to help you invest without paying too much money to the CRA.
- Given the Sears debacle going on, Kerry K’s advice, Don’t get duped into buying an extended warranty, does seem quite prophetic. I have been lucky with extended warranties, but many folks have lost a lot of money thanks to Sears and other companies.
Money Deep Thoughts
“Debt is a disease. You don’t stop it by spreading it!”
Paraphrased from Game of Thrones, keep this in mind when you get yet another credit card.
End of 2017 Random Thoughts
- Mortgage Tests, Thanks Gord and Bombardier and #Moneytalk (October 20th)
- Halifax Ikea, New Tax Plans, Pumpkin Spice ETFs and #MoneyTalk (September 29th)
This Quarter Random Thoughts
- Summers end, Taxes, Doomsday Insurance, Uber and #MoneyTalk (September 15th)
- Rates Up Trend, Summer Holidays, High Gas and #Moneytalk (September 8th)
- Farewell PC Financial, Summer Holidays, Bat Guano and #MoneyTalk (August 18th)
- Paying Children to Move out, Sears, and #MoneyTalk (July 28th)
- Rate Reactions, Mortgage Double Ups, Bad Cycling and #MoneyTalk (July 21st)
- Keep Calm and Pay Off Your Debt and #MoneyTalk (July 14th)
2nd Quarter Random Thoughts
- #Canada150, B of C Rates, and #MoneyTalk (June 30th)
- Donuts, Graduations, Summertime and #MoneyTalk #Canada150 (June 23rd)
- Bank Profits, Loose Money, Used House Salesfolk and #MoneyTalk (May 26th)
- Avocado Toast, Victoria Day, Ransomware and #Moneytalk (May 19th)
- RDSP, DTCs, Mother’s Day and #MoneyTalk (May 12th)
- Thanks Prince Phil, More Old Than Young and #MoneyTalk (May 5th)
- MLM, Balanced Budgets, and #Moneytalk (April 28th)
- Overheated Housing Market, Rent Controls and #MoneyTalk (April 21st)
- Ladies on Panels, Good Friday, Friendly Skies, Loose Money and #MoneyTalk (April 14th)
- Tax Time, Housing Bubbles, Financial Easter and #MoneyTalk (April 7th)
1st Quarter 2017 Random Thoughts
- April Fools, High on Life and #MoneyTalk (March 31st)
- Ho Hum Budget, Brackets Busted and #MoneyTalk (March 24th)
- Naughty Banks, March Madness, Big Snow and #MoneyTalk (March 17th)
- Teller Upselling, Auto-filling Taxes, Spring Forward and #MoneyTalk, (March 10th )
- Lent Begins, Loose Money and #MoneyTalk (March 3rd )
- RRSP Season, Tax Time, and #MoneyTalk (February 24th )
- Farewell Vinyl Café, Snow, Monopoly and #MoneyTalk (February 17th )
- RRSP , Tax , TFSA , RESP, and RDSP Time and #MoneyTalk (February 10th )
- Year of the Fire Rooster, Financial Groundhog Day and #MoneyTalk (February 3rd )
- Alternate Financial Facts, 1984 and #Moneytalk (January 27th)
- Bungled Mortgages, Friday the 13th and #Moneytalk (January 13th)
- Merry New Year, CPP, EI and #MoneyTalk (January 6th)
My RSS feed is available.