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Money and Lent: Clutter too?

Today starts the Christian season of Lent, and most folks would say, “Big Deal”. I view Lent as a time for growth both spiritually but also in day-to-day life. I have written many articles about Lent over the years, I even had a Lenten Money challenge. While Money and Lent can go hand in hand, there are other areas you can work on.

In my life, I am a bit of a pack rat. I don’t throw out many things. This behavior creates clutter. Clutter can lead to hoarding, so this Lent season, we will be attempting something new.

The 40 Bag Challenge

Money and Lent
A worthwhile Lenten Endeavor 40 Bags Donated

This is a great idea, and if this seems daunting, the Salvation Army has a derivation. The Salvation Army suggests filling a bag and donating it to them as part of Lent (just 1 bag). Start there and see if you can do that.

Note also the challenge says a bag of any size. You can start with a grocery bag, you don’t need a garbage bag.

Money and Lent Ideas

Organize your money for Lent. Remember it is only for 40 days. Some more ideas for Lent:

  • Pay with cash for all 40 days. This might slow your spending habits.
  • Organizing and automating your bill paying may not be that hard to do.
  • Pay off debt, cut down on entertainment expenses and use that money to start paying down debt.
  • Eat a healthy diet for 40 days, cook your meals, after all fresh fruit and veggies are cheaper now. Exercise, just go for a 1 mile walk for 40 days, see how you feel?

Lent is not just a time to "give something up", it is also a time to reflect and to grow.

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