Do You Have a Money Buddy ?
Do you have a money buddy, a confidant to chat with about your finances and such? Sometimes talking about things helps you understand things better.
Do you have a money buddy, a confidant to chat with about your finances and such? Sometimes talking about things helps you understand things better.
Apple bricked iphones a while back, just because they could. On Love Day and at the start of Lent no less? Seems rather unfriendly customer service.
Let me preface this, that this is a Guest Post from a group of chaps I tripped over a while ago. Sounds like an interesting idea to me teaching folks about the costs of University,… Read More » – Like Cheese on Vegetables
Lotteries are not a financial service, even though a certain on-line deal company seems to think that might be the case. Lotteries are also not a retirement plan, in case you were curious.
The financial celebration of Lent is something anyone can join in with. A time to learn, and a time to add not just remove from your lifestyle.