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Canajun Finances Home » Happy Canada Day and Best Mid-Year Financial Stories

Happy Canada Day and Best Mid-Year Financial Stories

Happy Canada Day, the land that everyone seems to want to emigrate to? When I hear someone say, “We are too highly taxed, I am going to Canada!”, I get a little worried (especially when that person is from the U.S.). Canada is the best place to live, unless you hate snow, black flies, higher taxes and gun control, then maybe it is not the place for you!

I am the son of immigrants, and I proudly remember my British and Welsh heritage on this day, but celebrate being a Canadian!

The Eternal Flame in Ottawa (not the Olympic flame)

The Eternal Flame in Ottawa

Seeing as it is Mid-Year, let us look at the year so far and the articles that you found the most interesting. As usual most of the most popular articles so far this year were written in previous years (I seem to get a lot of returning readers for some things), but let us just look at the newer stuff from this year

  1. Tax Reflections for 2016 was the most popular new article so far, which is surprising, since it is a simple list of the things I noticed different in this tax year.
  2. I Just Don’t Like Saving was a commentary I heard from a co-worker that caused me to do a spit-take (i.e. I spat out my coffee), why not just say I don’t like living long?
  3. TFSA Transfer Fees outlined yet another slimey new fee from TD Mutual funds for transferring your TD Mutual Fund TFSA to another bank or investment firm.
  4. Tax Tips for Prize Winners was a guest post that sprung out of a mistaken comment I made about buying lottery tickets with points.
  5. Advice from a Rich Man shows my general mistrust of most financial advice, as I believe anyone who gives away advice, is simply trying to make money or get you to do something better for them.

You are thinking this is just a cheap rehash to try to get readers to look at old articles? I include Preet’s (who has found his razor, I am glad to say) latest for the folks at Tangerine, about Lines of Credit

Other Canada Days

Fourth of July

We mustn’t forget our family down south.

Feel Free to Comment

  1. Happy Canada Day!! It is a rainy day and I am stuck at home. I am subscribed to your blog and read it regularly. I started DIY investments only in 2016. Without the help of bloggers like you I was not going to do that. Thanks for keep writing.

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