In-App Purchases and the New Economy
How much money is there in in-app purchases in on-line games? More than you think that is for sure. Do you know what your kids can spend?
How much money is there in in-app purchases in on-line games? More than you think that is for sure. Do you know what your kids can spend?
Another round of some of the finest money tweets of the week, hope you enjoy Why is it that the Chinese stock market and economy confuses my simple mind? Not sure I completely agree with… Read More »More Great Personal Finance Tweets for the Week
The last 10 days or so have been quite volatile on the markets with wild drops, sudden spurts up and indecision and confusion on whether this is a “correction,” a “collapse,” or a “great time to buy.” To quote a well-known media maven I’m an Indexer I don’t Care What the Index Did Today, although I did buy in the middle of all of this, because I had money to put in my son’s RDSP (but that is very long-term savings, so again, who cares). There is agreement that China’s economic cogitations seem to have been a catalyst for all this market tom-foolery, but we will only know for sure in a few months when we look back on things.
Is this a good time to buy into the market? Will oil stocks rebound? How will a minority government affect our economy? To quote Kent Brockman, ” Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it’s time for our viewers to crack each other’s heads open and feast on the goo inside”. Do you have any Gorgonzola (see video at bottom for explanation)? I can answer this and many other questions: “I have no bloody idea!”.
It seems like my Twitter feed might make it to 2500 actual followers (I haven’t paid for any followers, nor have I used skullduggery to inflate those numbers either).
Back to school is here again, with schools opening next week, and in some corners schools have already opened. I can tell it is back to school time, as there is Haloween candy in the stores as well.
The summer is slowly coming to a close and an entertaining fall lies ahead (with plenty of election shenanigans and tom-foolery) :
Tweet of the week
I did a Tweets of the week already
The danger of setting auto-loading your loyalty card is that if it is hacked or stolen (like Starbucks) you could lose a lot of money very fast.
The CPI or Consumer Price Index for July 2015 was as usual, affected by the higher price of gasoline and such.