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Loosest Money, Weddings, Greece and #BestMoneyStories

The Bank of Canada decided that the best way to wean an economy that is addicted to stimulation is to lower the interest rates ? Canada does seem to be in a recession, but lowering Interest Rates is an interesting way to deal with it. Their exact statement about the economy (which they now claim won’t recover until mid-2017):

The lower outlook for Canadian growth has increased the downside risks to inflation. While vulnerabilities associated with household imbalances remain elevated and could edge higher, Canada’s economy is undergoing a significant and complex adjustment. Additional monetary stimulus is required at this time to help return the economy to full capacity and inflation sustainably to target.

What did that do to the Canadian Dollar, you might ask?

Weddings? Yes, my eldest daughter (Daughter 1.0), was married this past weekend and it was a wonderful event. She looked radiant, and it was interesting to be back in Kitchener. I thought Ottawa’s construction problems were insane, but Kitchener has taken it to a new level, ripping up King Street.

For those who have not participated in a wedding as a parent of one of the participants, it is a very different experience, and I was not really ready about how emotionally draining it was, and yet another event that reminds you of your own mortality.

Greece? Seriously? Who is writing this stuff? Is anybody investing in Greece trying to make some quick money maybe? Are you? You are NUTS!!!

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My Writings for Week Ending July 17th

I was recovering from my daughter’s wedding, so not much new from me this week, but maybe some more helpful family posts :

I did buy something on Amazon Prime day, but what was the impact of Amazon? The Economist has something for you:

Is there such a thing as Economic Ritalin?

Mark from the Blunt Bean Counter claimed he was taking the summer off. However, it looks like he will leave us with something to read with, The Best of The Blunt Bean Counter – Cottages – Cost Base Additions, are They a New CRA Audit Target? They are a pretty big target, that is for sure. Speaking of the CRA, remember how they pay out is going to change and Government Cheques are Going Away.

You do realize that as you age, your career planning goals need to change to, correct? Mark from Second Career search, reminds us of this with, Career Planning for The Over 55 Crowd (I am almost in that bracket). In an interesting twist Larry MacDonald did a piece on Tom Drake (another friend of this site) in the Globe and Mail, Financial analyst lowers investing fees with Vanguard and iSharesStats Canada may publish monthly inflation numbers, but Marie from Boomer and Echo brings us The Real Cost of Living

Speaking of retirement, Michael James takes on a contentious subject, Another Take on Retirement Withdrawal Strategies. Some folks don’t take inflation into their retirement planning. If you can find anyone who retired in the 70’s, ask how that worked for them. Mark from My Own Advisor continues on his tell-all angle with How I used to sabotage my portfolio, he is a brutally honest man (well worth reading to learn some NOT how-to hints). Do you know what your investments are worth? The Canadian Couch Potato wants to help with Calculating Your Portfolio’s Rate of Return .

UCCB Changes Explained

Preet has an older video where he explains the new UCCB rules coming into play, now:

2015 Random Thoughts

My Twitter feed is where I re-tweet many great articles by some of my featured writers (and make the occasional odd or off colour commentary on life (in 140 characters or less)). I am also on reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest , Flipboard, Instagram and other Social Media sites (look for the BigCajunMan userid) as well. If you have social media accounts, don’t forget to vote for my posts (see the nifty dashboard on the bottom of each article, where you can cast your votes).As they say in Quebec, vote early and vote often!

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  1. Yup, there are a lot of otherwise good advisors who find a way to justify ignoring inflation in retirement planning. You’re right that retiring in the early 70s was one of the worst times for inflation.

    1. It is interesting to hear some experts claim, “… the 70’s can never happen again…”, I also seem to remember that someone once told me the Stock Market Crash of 1929 could never happen again… fool me twice, shame on me!

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