Ten years ago today I wrote a simple post
First Entry
I was planning on creating this site on my account on another ISP, but decided, maybe this is more of a BLOG type thing. I will turn on Comments and such once I get some content up to discuss.
Little did I know that it would start a 10-year run of writing about money, life, family and a few other odd topics.

Ten Years is a Long Time
What has changed financially over these 10 years?
- The TFSA didn’t exist 10 years ago, it wasn’t even a thought, now it is a key aspect of how Canadians save.
- The RDSP didn’t exist for parents with disabled loved ones.
- The great crash of 2008, which we are still recovering from. Goodness, that was a crash!
- I got laid off, and then found another job (eventually). Nortel went bankrupt, but I managed to dodge that bullet too.
- We all got used to LUDICROUSLY Low-Interest Rates, how will we ever kick that habit?
- Gasoline prices back in 2005 were about 90 cents a litre and today they are about $1, so gas has only gone up 10 cents in 10 years right?
- Banks not only open on Saturdays now they Open on Sundays too (they didn’t in 2005)
- The iPhone appeared and hipsters around the world danced a happy jig.
- Plenty of tax changes:
- Public Transit tax credit
- Safe deposit boxes are no longer an investment carrying charge
- Introduction of Sports (and Arts) credits for active/artsy kids
- Income splitting for Pensioners, and a meager attempt for others.
- Did I publish over 2700 articles? Wow, that is a lot of words. Over 300 of those articles are on Personal Finance .
Did I miss anything big over the past 10 years?
Will I be doing this in 10 years? Who knows?
That’s absolutely amazing! A lot can and does happen in 10 years whether we want it to or not. Congrats on such a huge milestone.
Congratulations! 10 years is an amazing milestone in a medium where blogs are rare to survive 2-3 years.
So does that make you persistent, dedicated, or just stubborn? 🙂
To answer your question, yes, or all 3 depending on how you look at it.
Congrats! I look forward to the awkward puberty phase for BCM in a few years.
When do I get “the talk” ? I don’t want to learn about it on the street.
BCM, congrats. 10 years, pretty awesome accomplishment, especially considering how often you write.
Congratulations, 10 years is a major milestone!
Well it is over 3650 days that is for sure! 🙂
Wow, great stuff.
That Twitter machine you enjoy for personal financial venting hadn’t taken full flight 10-years ago 🙂
All the best for the next ten years BCM!
Heck MySpace was a big thing 10 years ago!
Happy 10th! Maybe in another 10 you’ll be a retired civil servant.
Maybe even before that! 🙂
Congratulations! Blogging can be lots of fun but it can also be a real grind. You are doing a great job.
Thanks, it can be fun