Free is a Good Price (but still can be expensive)
Free is a good price for things, however, things are rarely without some cost associated with them. This is how I got free EquiFax
Free is a good price for things, however, things are rarely without some cost associated with them. This is how I got free EquiFax
If you are given some financial answers, can you make questions that fit those answers? Might not be as easy as you think.
Back to school for most folks this week (although many folks already were back last week). The stores are abuzz with folks looking for loose-leaf paper, HB Pencils, and the coolest new Beatles Pencil Case (OK, maybe I am a little out of touch on this new generation).
I welcome Tim Burger King, Burger Horton’s, or whatever the new Canadian Super Fast Food monster calls itself. I am astounded to hear that it is cheaper to run a business in Canada than it is to run in the U.S., but if we become a Tax Haven for our rich cousins down south, then so be it! Maybe they will bring back the Dutchie!
Since I grew past 6 feet tall, I have never really fit into any mass transit situation (sitting at least), so when I saw the stories about the Knee Defender, I was tickled pink to hear someone was thinking about we tall folks and how we don’t fit in the tight spaces created in Airplanes. Is it rude to stop the person in front of you from reclining into your lap on an airplane? Maybe, but speaking as someone who has been at the mercy of airlines for many years (space-wise), I would buy one in a heartbeat if I travelled for more than an hour on an airplane.
I have been fiddling around with Emojis and where they might fit best. From what I can tell, they can be helpful for things like the Twitter machine, but in day to day posting, I can’t see a great need to have this or in most things I write. However, in social media I do see a use for things like:
where you are looking for quick and shorter messages. If you find them annoying, it is me simply trying to get the news to you faster and more graphically.
I gave blood last week as well and now have been selected to be a Blood Platelets donor as well.
A whole week of writing this week for the first time in a few months seems I had a lot to say this week.
Always follow up on important financial transactions. Assuming it will all work just fine, is naive and can end up costing you a lot of money.
The only too conservative portfolio I could think of would be all CSBs or GICs, but not something that has low MER Index funds.