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Giveaways, Vacations, No Sun and Friday #ShoutOuts

For those unaware (and that seems like all of you) I am giving away software worth almost $100 and no one much is taking notice. So far I have 4 entries and I am giving away two copies of the software so it won’t be very hard for me, but if you just went and bought Quicken, feel free to kick yourself for not trying to get it gratis.

I am enjoying a day or two off, but as Mrs. C8j has pointed out, we haven’t been on vacation (the two of us) for about 22 years. This is part of the joys of being a parent, but we never really got around to planning anything. I’ll put that on my regrets list and see if we can remedy that someday very soon.

This is an Intelligence Test

The Sun TV News Network got turned down by the CRTC to have them on Basic Cable. They are an entertaining channel, however, the CRTC didn’t seem to think there was a need for all Canadians to be able to watch it. It’s interesting to read the proceedings and the reasons given by the CRTC for their various rulings.

George Takei and Stephen Frye want the Sochi Winter Olympics moved to Vancouver in protest against the new Russian laws effectively banning Gay behavior. Has anyone asked Vancouver if they want them?

Baseball suspended 12 more players for alleged PED usage, and A-Rod is the only one appealing his suspension. If you figure he makes about $250,000 a game, every game he plays currently is money in his pocket, whereas in a year and a half how many more games might he play? He plays out the rest of this season, he may just retire at the end of it?

My Weekly Recap

I believe this week has the least amount of work done other than the week between Christmas and New Year, there is no one at work:

My Writings for Week Ending August 9th

Who is at work this week?!?

Happy Holiday with No Name

In Ottawa they kept calling it Colonel By day (no not Col Bi) but I don’t think that holiday has an actual name (so I didn’t post an actual story in recognition of this).

Quicken Giveaway Contest

You would think there would be more interest in getting this software, but maybe the contest criteria is too hard? You only have a few days left.

Steroids and HGH are like Debt ?

I got no comments on this one at all, you guys out there? I am making an asinine simplistic comparison and no one called me on it? Be prepared for more weird posts then!

Found Money: What to do?

Surprisingly the answer is not, “Let’s go spend it!!!!”

Stem Cell Teeth, Queen’s Nuclear Speech and Friday #ShoutOuts

A recap of last week’s best articles.


Ramadan is over, so my Muslim friends are enjoying the festival of Eid:

Top Stories of the Week of August 9th

Happy Eid al-Fitr

9000% Per Day!

Michael James has found the ultimate spam get rich quick scheme, and I for one am ready to sign up!

Entrepreneurs Were More Likely To Cause Trouble As Teens, Study Says

Ever wonder what Bill Gates looked like as a 16 year old? This article includes his mug shot, quite interesting content as well.

Considering a Trade? This is How an Apprenticeship Works!

Million Dollar Journey does a nice explanation of a very old system that is coming back in vogue, that is apprenticeships to learn a trade.

Everyone Should Be a Homeowner Don’t Fall For It!

Out of your Rut points out that not everyone should own their own home.

My TD e-Series RESP Portfolio

Robb from Boomer and Echo writes about the use of TD E-series index funds in an RESP, which is something I do currently as well, glad to see great minds think alike.

Is Your Bond Fund Really Losing Money?

The Canadian Couch Potato helps explain just what might be going on with our Bond Funds these days.

Paying down debt, should I change my tune?

Mark at My Own Advisor  asks a rhetorical question about his philosophy about paying down debt. My opinion, pay down debt.


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 In defence of the Boglehead index-fund investing philosophy

Preet writes in the Globe and Mail in defense of a philosophy that looks OK to me as a way to live your financial life.

Breaking Bad Final Season?

An honest review of Breaking Bad (which is finishing off this season), I think I finally understand this show now:

I have been spending most of my vacation trying to watch Homeland Season 1.

Feel Free to Comment

  1. Good point about Vancouver – would the city welcome another Olympics on such short notice? Maybe if they start now they can truck in enough snow to make it work?

    Thanks for the mention.

  2. In the 1030’s Hitler was running Germany and hosted the Olympics to show the world what a strong white nation he was creating. Black American athlete Jesse Owens participated in the games and won gold and Hitler was not happy about it.

    Mr. Owens was a superior athlete and a gentleman. The human rights activists could do well to send the best of the world to Russia and some of those will be gay athletes and journalists. Show Russia and the world how good people rise above discrimination.

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