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Final Four, Dark Matter, Tax Time and Friday #ShoutOuts

The NCAA Men’s basketball Final Four is this weekend, and my bracket is completely shot. Some great basketball, as well as some very disturbing video (luckily the Louisville player should recover from a hideous compound fracture that caused more than one TV viewer to lose their lunch). I do enjoy watching these games, however, all good things must come to an end. More interestingly are you aware of the court case Ed O’Bannon vs. the NCAA ? This case may change how the NCAA and University Sports do business, and in my opinion about time. The NCAA has billion dollar TV deals, yet the players in the games don’t see too much of that money, I think things are going to have to change, and maybe the courts will have to make that happen.

Oh and in another note, Mike Rice is now the former coach at Rutgers after videos of him throwing balls at players, shoving players and using an Anti-gay slur came to the surface. LeBron James summed it up well when he tweeted:

Well put Mr. James, well put.

What holds the cosmos together, but no one knows if it exists, or has been able to prove its existence? Why Dark Matter of course (no that is not the name of some new WWE Wrestler), and evidently at $2 Billion piece of equipment on the space station makes it easier to believe in Dark Matter.

It’s Tax Time here in Canada, and you had better get your collective tail in gear and get your return in! Deadline is April 30, 2013 (if you file once a year, if you file quarterly, you have other dates to worry about), so don’t be like a co-worker of mine who hadn’t filed tax returns for the past 5 years or so. If you follow the CRA Twitter Feed you’ll see a lot of folks get stiff fines for not filing (even if they don’t owe money).

My Weekly Recap

Another fairly odd thematic week on the home front, my guess is the long weekend scrambled my brains a little:

My Writings for Week Ending April 5th

If it’s Dark It Must Matter!

Financial Reboot

Excuse me but have you rebooted your financial world lately? Maybe it’s time to think about doing just that?

5 Reasons Money Buys Happiness

Did anyone really take this one seriously? I felt I owed it to my readers to live up to my “Clown Prince of Personal Finance” moniker.

Inflation Up a Little in February in Canada

The CPI for February was up a little again, but not a great deal. How much longer will this last? I have no idea.

Lack of Owing Money Buys Happiness ?

Now this one I do believe. If you are out of debt, you are more likely to be happy, and if you are in debt you are more likely than not, unhappy.

Personal Finance Napkin Scribblings

I actually use the phrase “creative process” in reference to this site, yes, I did!


There are still repercussions to be felt from the Federal budget now a few weeks old, and we all await the Omnibus legislation which may carry many hidden policies within :

Top Stories of the Week of April 5th

Spring is Here but Evidently the Ground Hog Lied!

 Confessions of a Tax Accountant -2013- Week 1

One of the sure signs of Tax Season is the BBC putting out some more helpful tax hints and the interesting things he sees during tax season, well worth a read.

 Watch This Golf Cart-Hovercraft Fly Over Hazards Like They’re Nothing

If it is Spring shouldn’t we be talking about Golf? Popular Science shows what fun can happen when you add a Hovercraft to your Golf Game (Bubba Watson sure likes it).

 How You Can Squeeze Fitness Into Your Life (no matter how busy you are)

The Financial Blogger hits an important topic, which is staying healthy. It won’t matter if you have millions in your retirement funds if you drop dead at 51! Find time to exercise!


 The Hysteria Over Bail-ins (and a Giveaway)

The Canadian Capitalist returns from hiatus with some calming words for those worried about the Government not insuring our savings (enough). There is also a UFile giveaway to enter as well.

 Trying to Beat a Casino

Michael James has found a way to beat the house? No, in fact he points out that you can’t actually do that, no matter what flawed technique you choose.

How the 2013 Budget Will Affect ETFs

The Canadian Couch Potato points out that though vague the budget did go after specific tools that have been used in some ETF’s and what the ramifications will be of some important rule changes.

Government employees in Canada earn 12 per cent more, on average, than equivalent private-sector workers

That is what the Fraser Institute says, at least. Interesting read here, especially for an overpaid Civil Servant like me.


Mangling Math

Gail Vaz-Oxlade points out that girls shouldn’t be afraid of math, and I agree. My Mum is a Mathematician (and even taught Math), so ladies Math is not a “male thing”, in fact I know a lot of males who are petrified by Math too!

Beware of Federal Budgets Becoming Less Informative

Larry MacDonald points out that the Budget Speech was quite vague as was the budget itself and the details will be in the Budget Omnibus bill, so look closely at that when it is introduced.

 Equities built to last for your portfolio

Mark at My Own Advisor gives us some tried and true investments for the long-term. Also some hints on where to place these investments (TFSA? RRSP? Matress?)

Cashing Out Your Pension: The Small Benefit Rule

Million Dollar Journey talks more about what you can do to protect your pension. Wish I’d read this before I left Nortel.


Do you know your credit score? Well, you should

Preet points out in  the Globe and Mail that knowing your credit score is important, however, if you go and ask about it, it might cause you to get some very odd phone calls afterwards.

The True Wizard of Westwood – John Wooden

Best of 2013

Some of the best of posts from 2013

Canajun Finances Home » Final Four, Dark Matter, Tax Time and Friday #ShoutOuts

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    1. Nothing earth shattering, just that Public Servants have a very nice Pension and Benefits Package, which costs lots of money (but the pension is dropping in cost due to new rules about contributions (however they don’t really mention that)).

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