It was a week of ups and downs on the markets back in April 2012, and there were more hints that the housing “bubble” in Canada might be bursting sooner than later (and the Government was taking measures to tighten governance over the CMHC as well). The Canadian dollar shot past its American cousin again. Will that meant more folks shopping down south. Quite the Joy Buzzer to the economy.
Tax day is coming soon. Have you done your taxes yet?
I did find a few of my favourite older posts this week that still have some relevance these days:
- One of my first posts ever was It’s Simple Isn’t It? Where I talk of Stan Mikita’s donuts, one of my favourite Wayne’s World references I can have.
- With all this talk of taxing the rich, should we just Eat the Rich? Might kill two birds with one stone?
- I found chestnut with Bad Financial Humor, and it is a old one.
- One of my favorite movies is Casablanca and from the movie came a comment about Vultures, which I extended to Financial Vultures.
A blast from the past.