Always Oldie and Sometimes Goodies
As usual on Sunday I recap the tweets I have done about old posts from my years of writing (remember there are over 1200 such posts already), just so folks can enjoy some of my early writings (or lament how naive I was back then).
Some of them include:
- For some reason I was in a humorous mood when I posted Sunday: A Little Humor, hopefully he never does leave yellow stickies on folks’ fridges, or we are all in trouble
- The Good Wine: A Personal Finance Parable really does show the importance of when to execute the end of a plan (not just starting the plan). That wine was awful by the way.
- A short post from 5 years ago implored: Debt Reduction: Solve the Right Problem Financially, back when I wrote really short posts.
- Remember that The Computer: Another Financial Tool is how you should treat your computer, and thus take care of it.
- Crunch Them Numbers challenges the concept that once your house reaches a certain age, you should simply sell it instead of fixing it.
- One of my more favorite NFB shorts is the telling of the Stephen Leacock story My Financial Career which I have in the post Video: Banks were Like This?. It is a fun story to tell us how far bank service has come.
Enjoy your long weekend (if you live anywhere but Quebec).
Excellent gathering of your past posts!