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Valentine’s Day Financial Massacre

For those of the male persuasion, you have learned the joys of St. Valentine’s Day. While Saint Valentine (Valentine of Rome) was martyred in the first century. His memory has caused a great deal of Financial Martyrdom for those “in love” or wishing to show love. Still not a good reason for a financial massacre.

I realized what a colossal industry Saint Valentine’s day was when I first became entwined in a romance. When I attempted to buy roses (the traditional thing) and found out just how expensive these plants can be at this time of year, it used to be that the prices could quadruple for long-stem roses. Thanks to the open marketplace, the prices only double.

Laura Secord chocolates is an excellent place to visit. Giving someone, you love rich dark and sweet chocolates these days seems to be wrong. Trying to make them fat or worse, drive up their blood sugar level. I like chocolate, and the endorphins released from eating it are lovely for a short while too.

Spending upwards of $300 on flowers and chocolates is extravagant. Spending $800 on a meal out is even more so. Try to find a reservation at a restaurant on Saturday night. I dare you. No Swiss Chalet and MacDonald’s do not count. This seems irresponsible in these challenging economic times.

Preventing Financial Massacre?

  • Do something for the "apple of your eye." Let them sleep in. Clean up the house. Take the kids out. Give them some peace and quiet.
  • Buy them a nice Toblerone Valentine's chocolate (less than $20 I think).
  • Buy a card if you want. Better write a card with your own words or a quote like:

    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

    -Helen Keller

  • Give blood. The Red Cross needs that Red Stuff in your veins. That is a good metaphor for St. Valentine of Rome. That shows love to someone you don't even know.
  • Spend time together at a movie (I hear the new Friday the 13th movie is coming out), or go for a walk.

Bankrupting yourself financially is not a sign of love (a sign of a feeble financial mind).

What does Valentine's Day Mean to Me?

To me, Valentine's Day has always meant love, but differently. It was my parents' anniversary. They were married for 56 years. I celebrated their lives together on that day. I also celebrated my love for my wife and her saintly patience.

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