My Wife is Worth What? (cont’d)
My wife went to Home Depot to replace the Bar B Q mentioned in my humorous story of a few weeks back (Flames and Bar B Q), she found the one she wanted and was… Read More »My Wife is Worth What? (cont’d)
My wife went to Home Depot to replace the Bar B Q mentioned in my humorous story of a few weeks back (Flames and Bar B Q), she found the one she wanted and was… Read More »My Wife is Worth What? (cont’d)
“When you pray, say: `Father…give us each day our daily bread.’” —Lk 11:2-3 How folks interpret this part of the Lord’s prayer are many and varied, but to me it is more of a reassurance… Read More »Sunday Thought: The Lord’s Prayer
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Debt reduction is like teenage sex, everyone talks about it, but no one knows how to do it, they fumble around and usually do it wrong.
Find out the CPI (Consumer Price Index) statistics for April 2008 in Canada and understand their implications on the financial landscape.