This week, I engaged in excellent feedback and discourse with my readers regarding the exorbitant cost of post-secondary education and its implications for family finances and personal finance. My wife suggested this topic, and I initially dismissed it as insignificant. However, the responses I received opened my eyes to the fact that most parents want the best for their children and are willing to help them obtain a post-secondary education, despite the various hurdles they may face. I did not come across a single person who would not provide financial assistance to their children, even if they had the means to do so. This realization was immensely satisfying.
- Student Debt starts with introducing the problem or the discussion point as I saw it.
- Student Debt Part 2 went further into the Pros and Cons of the parent fully paying their child’s way in a post secondary education.
- Student Debt Epilogue is the entry I like the most out of this essay, because it reflects some thought provoking and interesting comments from my readers, and I thank you.
- Surprisingly our friend over at Canadian Capitalist did a piece on Still Sour on Group RESPs where he continues his discussion on the topic of Group RESPs. I added my own comment to this topic, so go over and see my comments on this important area of Post Secondary Education Financing.
- Michael James did an unscientific, but effective study of the Interest Rates you can get for your Unsecured Line of Credit. Surprisingly, you are on your own on what kind of deal you can get!
- Ellen Roseman wrote about the Direct Energy home furnace “warranty” program and other horror stories from the world of energy and heating. Spine chilling stuff there.
- Free Money Finance had a great article on how much you can save throwing stuff out instead of storing it (something I am going to try to live to this year).
- My article on Found Money The Prisoner’s Dilemma was showcased in the Carnival of Financial Planning.
Next week I am thinking of looking closer at my family’s finances and maybe wondering out loud why we are spending money on some of the things we do. We’ll see.
Have a great weekend.
In my view our economy is so market driver that any mass reduction in oil consumption would collapse it. Slowly privatizing out of the welfare state thereby changing the economy to “Survival need” driven is the only way out. Mass consumption must go forth at all cost.
Absolutely, but given how cold it will be maybe not today! –C8j
Thanks for the link. With the weather improving, we should get together for a beer sometime soon.