One essential part of Financial Planning is having reasonable and attainable goals and a financial target for your plan. Without a financial target, how can you tell if you are on target?
Here is an example. If you have a target, your aim will improve. Thus, your aim at your plan’s target is better.
Aim and Fire

This urinal has a small fly in it. This fly causes users of this urinal’s “accuracy” to increase by 80% (or decrease “spills” by that amount, at least).
The trick is that at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam (outside of Amsterdam), there is no bathroom attendant. A bathroom attendant does not put a new fly-in after each use. No, this is a STICKER of a fly. This sticker has decreased the mess and filth in the bathrooms at Schiphol.
Look Closer:

What a great idea!!
Punch Line About Financial Target
Remember, if you don't have a financial target, how can you tell if you are succeeding or not.