This is my parent’s wedding anniversary today, and I applaud and celebrate their lives together here and on my other web sites. Emerald is the anniversary gift for 55, if you are curious.
Good Comments
Lately I have had some very good commentary discussions and extra points made by my readers but yesterday there was a very good addendum to yesterday’s post Tomorrow May Be My Last Day where the commenter said:
Medical/dental benefits – if they are continued (sometimes they are, sometimes they aren’t) re-order the longest supply of on-going prescriptions you can (sic) and schedule a dental appointment for as soon as practical.
An excellent point that I had not even thought of, but something to add to your “job doomsday” list.
Are You Buying $100 Roses Today?
I’d like to, but I also can’t get my head around paying that much for something like that. I could wait two weeks and buy the same bunch of roses for $60.00, and have enjoyed peace and quiet for those two weeks due to my wife not talking to me. These kind of choices are always interesting to mull over in my mind.