For me, 2007 has been a great year. It was not necessarily great in the financial areas I wished for. However, that is not all life is about. With an end-of-year recap in mind, I give you the:
Best of Canadian Financial Rants 2007
- I started off the year discovering that my Pension was about to be capped by my employer. So, I asked the Question: How Much is Your Pension Worth? .
- In February, I outlined the Tim Horton's Savings Plan. It states that if you drink a lot of Timmy's coffee, you should check it out.
- In March, my son's train set gave me an idea. It inspired me to write Zen, Thomas the Tank Engine and the Art of Financial Planning. I'd like to point out his train set has grown since then too.
- In April my continued hatred of the Pay Day Loan industry became evident. It erupted in the post Pay Day Loans No, No, No! I continue to get inquiries about advertising on my site from these kinds of places.
- In May, I ran through my yearly scenario. I considered how much my wife is worth in terms of the government. I used the scenario My Wife is Worth How Much?
- June I did a case study on getting refunds on being overcharged with Refunds on Overcharging .
- I visited the bank in July. This yearly visit is to get Free Banking. It was highlighted in Bank Fees and how you shouldn't be paying for your banking.
- Is having healthy kids expensive? In August, I tackled this topic with The High Price of Healthy Kids.
- How do you retire with kids at home? was a question I asked in September that I am still trying to figure out myself.
- My daughter started looking at Universities in October, which caused me to write, University Costs Holy Crap!
- I talked about the quarterly status report concept in November. I truly believe in it, so try out the Quarterly Personal Financial Report.
- Given the amount of snow in Ottawa this December Snowbound Personal Finances was an obvious topic to write about.
This isn't really a "Best of" kind of list, just a cross section of my writings for the year.
Some other interesting points about this year:
- I wrote approximately 371 postings, which is more than one a day (holy cow).
- Forty (40) was my monthly maximum written in May.
Hope you enjoyed it, I am hoping for some changes in the New Year, but 'til then:
Happy and Prosperous New Year to You All!
All Those Happy New Years
Yes, for many years I have wished you a Happy New Year
- Happy New Year 2025 May this New Year find you safe and happy. 2024 was a year to remember for its turmoil, but find a way to make 2025 a better one. It’s time to get back to the gym and plan on staying out of debt. Enjoy the coming year! #Debt #NewYear #Resolution
- Happy New Year 2024! What will the year 2024 bring? Let's hope it is a Happy New Year, but there is potential for a great deal of upheaval in the coming year. #NewYear #Happy2024
- Happy New Year 2022 and #MoneyTalk recapped a lot of 2021 and hoped that 2022 was going to bring some hope.
- A happy new year for 2021 ? Well it started pretty grotty, but it might get better.
- I must have had an inkling about 2020, as I didn't wish you a Happy New Year to start things. Hopefully with this post I have helped make the year better?
- In 2019 I was too practical with Tangible Financial New Years Resolutions but still worthwhile thinking about it, eh?
- For Happy New Year 2018 I had a great photo of being stuck on the 401 during a snowstorm, and links to previous New Year Messages.
- 2017 I pointed out that you start paying CPP and EI again, so your net pay is going to be lower.
- 2016 Happy New Year, just didn't happen, not sure why, must have been having a grinchy holiday?
- 2015 Happy New Year and I included a really bad joke about it being the year of the RAM in the Chinese Calendar.
- 2014 Happy New Year again I pointed out that CPP and EI rates were increasing as well, I really am a kill joy.
- 2013 was a Happy New Year, a celebratory Sunday was the photo to start the year.
- 2012 I used to post best of Twitter posts, and it seems to have fallen on a Sunday as well.
- Merry New Year! It All Starts again was how 2011 started, and I included a bunch of resolutions in that article.
- 2010 New Year began with me in a new job, which was very nice, given I had been unemployed for a while.
- 2009 started a little bleak, in that I was unemployed, and was looking for a job, during a major economic crisis.
- Belated Happy and Prosperous New Year was how 2008 started, the economy was booming, employment was high, but there were hints of the systemic failure that was coming soon.
- Good Bye 2008, outlined the eventful year that it was for me. Things got better, but a lot didn't go right that year.
- A New Year Brings Tax Breaks? The tax breaks appeared in 2007 but later disappeared, unfortunately.
- Happy 2007 a quieter year, we hoped.
- 2006 I was still figuring out what this whole thing would be, but I showed signs of a ranting good time.