Bankrupting a New Relationship with an Expensive Wedding
After spending a very enjoyable evening at my brother-in-law’s reception on Saturday night I looked back on my wedding and where we had the right idea, and where we might have gone wrong (financially speaking, I’ll leave the critique on relationships to Mrs. C8j):
- We had our reception as a brunch which was much cheaper and because we only needed the reception room until 3:00 PM, we actually got it for free, as we had booked lots of rooms and we were paying for the meal.
- Because this was brunch very little liquor was served as well.
- The real reception was at my wife’s parents house, so we and her parents bought most of the booze “retail” from the OLC, which was cheaper.
- We didn’t spend too much on a honeymoon (which I view as a regret, but we just couldn’t afford it).
- Both sets of parents gave generously to the blessed event as well (in case they are reading and thinking I am trying to portray this as something I solely paid for).
I am not a believer in blowing huge amounts of cash for a wedding (as you can tell).