Wrote this in 2005 when my son was just born. I can assure you that babies are expensive, and things don’t get cheaper until they move out (and even then).
I asked Mrs. C8j for a topic, and she gave me this one. Well, no we are not complaining about the cost of baby C8j, but the expenses are there, let’s look at a few of them.
Formula: Well that’s about $11 for a 10 oz can of baby formula in powder form (it gets more expensive when you buy concentrate, and pre-made stuff is even more expensive). Right now the can lasts about 3 days, so let’s say $25.00 a week
Diapers: We buy them in a BOX (this is new, 10 years ago when we had our last child they only came in large bags). In Ottawa at the Loblaws the size baby uses is $43.00 for about 150 diapers, given baby uses 6 a day, that’s not too bad really.
Car Seat: First car seat cost us $129.00, but it is also a carrying seat, but he also hasn’t lasted too long in this, we plan on trying to sell it second hand to get some money back.
Car Seat (again): He now has a new one that he will be in for about 6 or 7 more years, this one cost $250.00, but again, amortized over 6 or 7 years, not too bad, I guess.
Crib: Got that second hand $100.00, but baby C8j is going to be the last (I promise, I have gone for my second vasectomy, first one didn’t work).
Stroller: You buy a Perago and that is about $350.00 at least. Some folks pay a lot more for these things that are SUV’s for babies.
Clothing: That can add up, unless you have a lot of rich friends who buy clothes or a big family with LOTS of hand me downs.
High Chairs: That might cost about $200 that will get used for about 2-3 years.
Swing: That is about $179.00 or so, and swings are great to help baby get to sleep!
Exer-saucer: $75.00 or so, pretty cool though
Vibrating Chair: $65.00 he can sit in that, but was a gift.
Mobile: About $30.00
University fund: Better start thinking, $1000 a year is a good idea!
First year total : Around $5000 or so, if you include clothing, and the University fund, and that is just the beginning folks!
Is it worth it? Every single penny!
My Musings for July
- Babies are Expensive? Babies are expensive, as most parents learn after having them.
- I only paid $450 but still! (rant cont’d) The amount that insurance companies cover and dentists charge, continues to increase.
- It’s YOUR money, be CHEAP! Our friends over at the Canadian Capitalist had a great posting yesterday (click here) about price protection, and making sure you don’t spend too much money.
- The Credit Card and Society I remember when I was young, my parents had credit cards, but they rarely used them.
- I paid $900 for what? (rant) Ranting about dental costs while fun is usually howling at the ocean.
- Rule of 72 (more Einstein Finance) What is the rule of 72, and what does it have to do with Albert Einstein ?
- Einstein Finance ? Einstein finance ? What did Einstein have to do with finances ?
- Investing is like Golf ? Golf and Investing have more in common than investing is talked about on the Golf course.
- Hey I finished my Debt Reduction Plan! GOOD FOR YOU! Freaking amazing WHEN (notice I didn’t say IF) you succeed, with your debt reduction plan.
- Following the Debt Reduction Plan Following any debt reduction plan is never easy, but remember that all plans need to be tweeked while they are happening.
- Make a Plan for Debt Reduction If you are in debt, your highest priority is debt reduction and elimination.
- PC Points Add Up PC Points have added up for our family over the years.
- Bloody Free Offers Never give your credit card to a free offer, because if you give it to them, as sure as the sun rises in the morning, they will use it.
- Saving Money on your Furnace Duct Tape does not help with your furnace, but Draft Stop tape does.
- Real World Example: Basketball Hoop What is the cheapest way to get a basketball hoop?
- Barbaric July 7 2005 was a barbaric date that will live in infamy. I will not forget this date or the images I saw on that date.
- Do I use the Bus? I wrote this a long time ago, and I would like to be able to use the Bus or Train here in Ottawa, but the system will not work for me.
I did a ton of research to get the answer for this. In the US, the average cost of raising a baby from birth thru 2 years old is over $74,000. The honest fact is that babies are expensive!! Know what though? They’re still worth it. I guess. lol
great read here! thanks.
I don’t know what the situation is in Canada – but what about Daycare?
I’m glad to see other Canadians talking about financial topics.
This is good.
Check out our new website. It’s pretty unique to Canada.
We’re giving valuable information to Canadians about all financial institutions in Canada.
Hopefully we can trade information about banks, insurance companies, credit bureaus etc.