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University is going to cost HOW MUCH?

These are classic RESP and University Education writings from 2005, time to think about Fees and tuition now.

I remembered that my Alma Mater had posted a helpful budgeting tool on its website. This tool was for students coming to the University. It was not for debt reduction. I had forgotten how much was there. Figured I’d look up the tool (here is a link). I used some smelling salts. Then, I tried to figure out just how far off my calculations were for my eldest daughter. She will most likely start University somewhere in the next three years.

Let's review the numbers posted (the numbers quoted are from 2005, so they are much higher now) University is going to cost how much:

  • A student in the Co-Op program living on campus would pay $10K-12K
  • Living Off-campus they'd pay $7K-$8K
  • If they lived at home $4K-6K
The Acadia Axe Man
The Acadia Axe Man is more expensive than he looks

Well, that isn't too bad, wait a minute, that is only for four months!!!! The total debt is $8K * 8 terms = $64K worth of debt or cost for this education.

Where are those smelling salts again?

What can I do?

  1. Make sure I use the RESP that I have set up. This gives me some extra money. I'll post something about that in a day or two.
  2. Lots of bursaries and scholarships are out there, look around.
  3. Lobby your MP and MPP about the cost of Post Secondary Education!

If you have very young children, start saving NOW, because how much this will cost in 16 years is anybody's guess (did I mention my new son who will be looking at universities then?).

START SAVING NOW!!!!!!! (or start planning debt reduction for afterwards). I have no idea how much university is going to cost for you.

Canajun Finances Home » University is going to cost HOW MUCH?

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  1. We’ve managed to put away almost $50,000 in RESPs. If they live at home we might just make it.

    As for the turtles, they are naturally nature’s D students so we won’t have to worry about higher education for them. They have enough trouble distinguishing my finger from the food it’s holding. Duh! Good thing we love them.

  2. Ah another Waterloo grad! Both my husband and I are Waterloo alumni. Can you imagine trying to get in now? Sigh. My sons are smart but I don’t think their averages will be high enough.

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